Table of Version3 Datatypes

Revision as of 18:09, 19 February 2015 by ADbot (talk | contribs) (Automated ADBot page content)
Data Type / Variant (Flavor) is a flavor of Realm Description
  AD Adres
   AD.NL AD Flag nl.svg Adres - Flavor Dutch
   AD.DE AD Flag de.svg Adres - Flavor German
   AD.EPSOS AD Flag eu.svg Adres - Flavor epSOS
  BIN Binary Data
   ED Encapsulated Data
    ST Character String
     SC String with Codes
     ENXP Entity Name Part
     ADXP Address Part
    thumbnail Thumbnail
  BL Boolean
  BN Boolean Non Null
  CD Concept Descriptor
   CE Coded with Equivalents
    CV Coded Value
     CO Coded Ordinal
      CO.EPSOS CO Flag eu.svg Coded Ordinal - Flavor epSOS
     PQR Physical Quantity Representation
     CV.EPSOS CV Flag eu.svg Coded Value - Flavor epSOS
    EIVL.event UV Event-Related Interval of Time
    CE.EPSOS CE Flag eu.svg Coded with Equivalents - Flavor epSOS
   CD.EPSOS CD Flag eu.svg Concept Descriptor - Flavor epSOS
  CR Concept Role
  CS Coded Simple Value
   CS.LANG CS UV Coded Simple Value - Flavor Language Codes; The language is compliant to RFC 3066 (Tags for the Identification of Languages ). The format for the language to describe is ss [-CC] where ss stands for the language tag, according to ISO 639-1 and CC for the optional country code, ISO-3166 alpha-2. The resulting language indicator is not case sensitive.
  EN Entity Name
   ON Organization Name
   PN Person Name
   TN Trivial Name
  II Instance Identifier
   II.NL.BSN II Flag nl.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor Dutch BSN
   II.NL.URA II Flag nl.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor Dutch URA
   II.NL.UZI II Flag nl.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor Dutch UZI
   II.NL.AGB II Flag nl.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor Dutch AGB
   II.AT.DVR II Flag at.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor Austrian DVR
   II.AT.ATU II Flag at.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor Austrian ATU
   II.AT.BLZ II Flag at.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor Austrian Bankleitzahl
   II.AT.KTONR II Flag at.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor Austrian Kontonummer
   II.EPSOS II Flag eu.svg Instance Identifier - Flavor epSOS
  QTY Quantity
   INT Integer
    IVXB_INT Interval Boundary of Integer
    SXCM_INT Set Component of Integer
     IVL_INT Interval of Integer
    INT.NONNEG INT UV Integer - Flavor Interval of Integer, non-negative
    INT.POS INT UV Integer - Flavor Interval of Integer, positive
   MO Monetary Amount
    IVXB_MO Interval Boundary of Monetary Amount
    SXCM_MO Set Component of Monetary Amount
     IVL_MO Interval of Monetary Amount
   PQ Physical Quantity
    IVXB_PQ Interval Boundary of Physical Quantity
    SXCM_PQ Set Component of Physical Quantity
     IVL_PQ Interval of Physical Quantity
   REAL Real
    IVXB_REAL Interval Boundary of Real
    SXCM_REAL Set Component of Real
     IVL_REAL Interval of Real
    REAL.NONNEG REAL UV Real - Flavor Real, non-negative
    REAL.POS REAL UV Real - Flavor Real, positive
   TS Time Stamp
    IVXB_TS Interval Boundary of Time Stamp
    SXCM_TS Set Compomnent of Time Stamp
     IVL_TS Interval of Time Stamp
      IVL_TS.EPSOS.TZ IVL_TS Flag eu.svg Interval of Time Stamp - Flavor epSOS, with Timezone required
      IVL_TS.EPSOS.TZ.OPT IVL_TS Flag eu.svg Interval of Time Stamp - Flavor epSOS, with Timezone optional
     PIVL_TS Periodic Interval of Timezone
     SXPR_TS Parenthetic Set Expression of Time Stamp
    TS.DATE TS UV Time Stamp - Flavor Date, may only contain a date value YYYYMMDD (or YYYYMM or YYYY)
    TS.DATE.FULL TS UV Time Stamp - Flavor Date, shall contain reference to a particular day
    TS.DATE.MIN TS UV Time Stamp - Flavor Date, shall be at least YYYYMMDD
    TS.DATETIME.MIN TS UV Time Stamp - Flavor Date, shall be at least YYYYMMDDhhmmss
    TS.EPSOS.TZ TS Flag eu.svg Time Stamp - Flavor epSOS, with Timezone required
    TS.EPSOS.TZ.OPT TS Flag eu.svg Time Stamp - Flavor epSOS, with Timezone optional
   RTO_PQ_PQ Ratio Physical Quantity / Physical Quantity
   RTO_QTY_QTY Ratio Quantity / Quantity
    RTO Ratio
  SD.TEXT Structured Document Text
  URL Universal Resource Locator
   TEL Telecommunication Address
    TEL.AT TEL Flag at.svg Telecommunication Address - Flavor Austria
    TEL.EPSOS TEL Flag eu.svg Telecommunication Address - Flavor epSOS
    TEL.NL.EXTENDED TEL Flag nl.svg Telecommunication Address - Flavor Dutch Extended
   URL.NL.EXTENDED URL Flag nl.svg Universal Resource Locator - Flavor Dutch Extended