Testscenario test

Revision as of 08:21, 1 October 2018 by ESiegel (talk | contribs) (Scenarios)


This is a testscenario for ART-DECOR information standards. During the test an ART-DECOR project is reacreated, based on the demo5 project from ART-DECOR examples (see see [[1]] or [[2]]).

To execute the scenario, you need at least two user accounts:

  1. A DBA user for creating the project
  2. A Project administrator for populating the project
  3. A general author account

Steps to perform for this scenario

Start with clean setup

Delete the project if it already exists.

This can be done only by having low level access with admin rights to the underlying eXist database: Delete the collection the project's data resides in. For this test project: /db/apps/decor/data/projects/test

Create a project test

Login as the DBA user. See ART_maintenance_manual#Creating_a_project for further instructions.

Name Test: Vital Signs CDA Document
id 2.16.840.1.113883.
prefix test-
language en-US
Experimental yes
Copyright - Contributor Add your or a random name
Description Test: Vital Signs Report Summary CDA Document
Authors Add the project administrator as an author
Dataset name Test dataset

After clicking "Create Project" you return on an empty "new project" screen. No indication is given that the project was created successfully.

To verify the project creation, logout as DBA and login as project administrator. You should now see the project in the project's list menu (the round icon to the left of "Terminology").

Modify base project

Login as project administrator and open the test project you just created.

All actions in this sections are done on the base project's data, accessible with the row of tabs (General, Copyright, etc.).

General tab

  1. Add or change a description
  2. [TBD] Add building block repositories with prefixes 'ad1bbr-' & 'ad2bbr-' by clicking on the + next to 'Repository references'

Copyright tab

  1. Add a Contributer by clicking the +.
  2. Enter name and contact information.
  3. Add a logo from your computer by clicking on add and then browse.
  4. Enter the correct Copyright years.

Authors tab

  1. Add an author by clicking on the +.
  2. Fill in the name of the author user and give it an email-address.

Ids tab

For more information: Project editor manual.

  1. Add external an external Id by clicking on the +.
  2. Fill in the Id (e.g. 1.2.3), Designation (en-US) and some Display name

Governance Groups tab

For more information: Dealing with governance groups.

  1. Make the project member of a governance group (e.g. ART-DECOR) by clicking on the + to the left of the governance group name.


For this section, click on the Datasets menu (in the top menu bar).

Basic dataset changes

Use the "Datasets" tab. Make some basic changes to the test dataset:

  1. Add a version label.
  2. Fill in a dataset description
  3. Save

Add concepts

For more information check the Dataset editor manual.

Use the "Concepts Test dataset" tab. Recreate the concept "Person" (and underlying concepts) from the demo5 project dataset, see [[3]] or [[4]]

  1. Add the Person concept by clicking on the +
  2. Enter Description, Source, Rationale, Operationalization, Comment.
  3. For each concept:
    1. Select the right kind of type (group or item)
    2. Add a name for the concept.
    3. At 'Value' select the type
  4. To add a new Property click on the + next to the word 'Properties'.
  5. Change the dataset status to:
    1. final (green bullet, top right)
    2. Deprecated (Blue bullet, top right)


For this section, click on the Datasets menu (in the top menu bar).

Add actors

Use the Actors tab.

  1. Add two actors by clicking on the +

Scenarios tab

Use the Scenarios tab.

  1. Add a scenario by clicking the + next to Scenarios.
    1. Fill in a name and description for the new scenario
    2. Save
  2. Open the scenario by clicking on the + left of its name in the tree view on the left.
  3. Click on the default group "Group"
  4. Click on the + at the top of the tree view. This will create a new group.
    1. Fill in a name and description for the new group
    2. Save
  5. Select (in turn) in the tree view the transactions of the group (called Initial and Response)
    1. Edit them (by clicking the pencil in top right)
    2. Fill in some data (label, description, change name)
    3. [TBD] Add templates in the concepts section by clicking on the pencil next to the word Template in Concepts. Select a template and then choose 'Select dynamic' or 'Select static'.
    4. Save

You can add Concepts to the added template by clicking on the pencil next to the word 'Concepts'. This pencil is only visible when the Transaction is not in edit mode, so make sure you save the transaction before trying to add concepts. To add concepts in the transaction click on the + next to the concepts you want to add. Click save and then close the window to go back to the transaction.

You can always edit a transaction or transaction group by clicking on it in Scenarios. Then click on the pencil next to the word 'Transaction' to edit. For more information check the Scenario Editor manual

Value Sets in Terminology

Create a reference to the 'AdministrativeGender' valueset from the bbr.

Create a new valueset.

To add a value set click on the + next to the word 'Value sets'. A new window opens in which you can fill in the Version label, Display Name (mandatory) and Name (mandatory). The display name may hold spaces but the Name has to be one word. In Source you have to select and/or add sources. Select ATC, select the correct source from the list and then click Select to activate it. In Values you can add by clicking on the + on the right. Fill in a Level en select a Type (L, A, S, D). Also fill in a code (mandatory) and a Display name. You can add more values by clicking on the little + next to the just added value. You can also delete a value by clicking on the 'x' next to it. Click on save to save the value set. When the save button is not clickable you probably did not fill in one of the mandatory fields. Also check if the 'Name' really is only one word and if the Code only contains numbers and dots.

You can always edit a value set by clicking on it in Value Sets. Then click on the pencil next to the name of the value set to edit. For more information check Value Set Editor manual


To add a template click on the + next to the word 'Templates'. A new window opens in which you can select a prototype. For Heart rate choose the CDA Observation template and then click Select. Now you can fill in a Version label, Display Name and Name. The display name may hold spaces but the Name has to be one word. Fill in a description. Add an Example by clicking on the little + next to the word. Then add or delete xml attributes by clicking the little + or 'x' next to the attributes. Click on 'Create template' when you're done. The window will close and you'll be send back to the 'Templates'

You can always edit a template by clicking on it in Templates. Then click on the pencil next to the name of the template to edit.

For more information check the Template editor manual


Add an issue: click on the flag on the right. Select the correct type (incident, change request, for future consideration, request for information/education) and then fill in a title. Also select the desired priority (Lowest, Low, Normal, High, Highest). Lastly you can fill in a description and assign the issue to an author. Click on 'Save Issue' to save it.

Search the just created issue: select the correct status, type and priority and then fill in a search term. There will be searched automatically.

For more information check the Issue manual.