ART Project Editor
- 1 Changing the name of a project
- 2 Add a language to a project
- 3 Description
- 4 Properties
- 5 Project Index
- 6 Reference a building block repository
- 7 Adding authors to a project
- 8 Project specific author settings
- 9 Preflighting publication and quality checks
- 10 Creating a new version / release / publication request
- 11 Maintaining a local OID Registry
- 12 Form parameters
Changing the name of a project
Edit the name for the project.
Save the updated project settings by clicking Save:
Add a language to a project
If you want to add a language to a project, you can perform the following steps: Open Project-tab, section: general
Edit the name for the project.
Click on the plus to add a language:
Enter a new language in the first field, for instance: en-US
Add an English name for the project.
To save, click on the button: Change
Save the updated project settings by clicking Save:
Select the added language in the top-right:
The project name should now be shown in English.
After adding a translation for the project name, this will enable you to add translations to dataset concepts, see Dataset Editor documentation.
The description of a project can be added or changed. The description and editor supports html-layout. The description can contain, for instance:
- General information about the project
- Links to external websites with more information on the project.
- Terms of use of the content in the project
- Disclaimer of the content in the project
- License information of the content in the project
Project prefix
This area shows the project prefix. This is a read-only field, the prefix can not be changed.
Default language
When the project supports multiple languages, a default language for display can be selected here.
Select the language new default language from the dropdown list of available languages, and afterwards save to store this setting.
For adding languages, see Add a language to a project
Marking a project as building block repository
In the project-tab, projects can be marked as building block repository (BBR). In that way they are marked as containing reusable content. Content from BBR's can be reused in other projects. The contents of this 'project' are considered suitable for re-use by other projects when this setting is active.
Follow these steps to mark a project as BBR:
- Log in as decor-admin
- Go to tab Project/General
- Click on Contains reusable content?
- Click Save to update the project information
Privacy settings
A project can be marked as private with: 'Is private'? The project is not listed in the menus and ignored in searches when this setting is active. This useful for projects in incubation fase. You may still work in the project based on direct URLs
Marking a project as Experimental
Project is experimental or meant to test things rather than aimed at production use. The project should not contain content that is meant for production use.
Best practice and strongly recommended is to never turn a sandbox project into a production project. Brillant artefacts created in a sandbox shall be moved into production projects curating these e.g. in terms of IDs, status etc.
Issue Notifier
The external services that can be configured on the project-tab:
- The ART-DECOR Automatic Notifier System (ADANS): email about changes in issues in the project.
Project Index
The ART-DECOR Projext Index offers a read-only view on datasets, transactions, value sets, templates and code systems per project:
- Project oriented/as a service: see URIs Projectindex services ProjectIndex or ValueSetIndex. These services support multiple machine-processable formats such as (for example): xml or csv.
The Project Index can be accessed by clicking on the link:
Screenshot of the Project index of an example project:
Reference a building block repository
In order to use concepts, value sets, and templates from a BBR (building block repository), it is necessary to first add a reference to a repository. Follow these steps to add a reference to a BBR from a project:
- If not done yet: First mark the project containing reusable content as BBR, see ART_Project_Editor#Marking_a_project_as_building_block_repository
- Log in as decor-admin
- Go to tab Project/General
- Click on Add building block repository. This will show a list of BBR's (depending on the server settings, these can include BBR's that reside on this server and/or BBR's that reside on external servers. See also the ART maintenance manual).
- Select a BBR
- Click add to add a BBR-reference in the current project
Screenshot that shows the user-interface for adding a BBR-reference from a project:
- Click Save to update the project information
- After saving the project information, the BBR-reference is shown like:
- After adding the BBR-reference: when adding dataset concepts, value sets or templates, content from the BBR is also presented in the current project
Adding authors to a project
Before a user can edit a project, the following steps must be performed:
- the user must have a personal ART-DECOR user account, please Contact us to obtain one
- the user must have the proper group permissions (See also the ART maintenance manual)
- Now the user can be added to the project by a decor-admin from the project:
- Log in as decor-admin
- Go to tab Project/Authors
- Add a user to the current project by clicking Add author
- Select the user
- Click Add
- Click Save to update the project information
Project specific author settings
Any ART-DECOR user may be active in multiple projects. He may be acting from different organizations depending on the project, and he may be more or (temporarily) less involved. For these reasons ART-DECOR supports switching on/off notification settings for ADANS on a project specific level. Any user with 'decor-admin' rights in the project can adjust the settings for any project author. In addition to that, the decor-admin project user may switch the ADANS notifier on/off for the entire project. All other project (issue) authors can adjust their own settings.
The notifiers work as follows:
- project notifier is on when it is '---' or 'on'. project notifier is off when it is 'off' (project opt-out)
- user notifier is on when it is 'on'. project notifier is off when it is '---' or 'off' (user opt-in)
Preflighting publication and quality checks
A number of checks can be done to check the quality of your project before you create a publication.
1) Is the project schema and schematron valid? In order to check this:
- Log in as decor-admin
- Go to the page 'Project/Development'
- Make sure the correct dataset is selected
- Click the button to Check DECOR
2) Consider making dynamic template and value set links static. In a final release you would not expect any dynamic template links. In a final release you may expect dynamic value set links, although they are likely the exception.
3) Run a TerminologyReport to check the quality of terminology content contained in the project.
4) Compile a development version (temporary build) to test compilation and schematron validation against samples until you are satisfied that no valid things are marked invalid and vice versa.
Possible parameters for compilation are:
- Schematron closed
- Explicit includes: When active the schematron process should make sure that the main schematron only includes templates that are explicitly associated directly or indirectly to the current template. When inactive, the schematron process should contain schematron includes for any defined template in the scope of this DECOR project, regardless whether they are associated directly or indirectly to the current template.
- Abort on recursive definition
- Force recompile: By default, if a compilation exists that is newer than the last modified date of the project, this compilation will be used. If you want to include changes from other projects (BBRs) that occurred after the compilation, you will need to force recompile
Start the compilation process:
After compiling you can validate XML instances from your desktop against the compiled schematron:
Creating a new version / release / publication request
ART supports the creation of a project publication. For the publication feature to work, ADRAM needs to be installed and configured for this project. The different publication formats are documented here: DECOR-Publication.
The creation of a version/release works as follows:
- Log in as decor-admin
- Check that ADRAM is configured for this project. On the tab 'Project/General', Publication location should contain a URL where the publication is going to be published. Behind the 'Publication location' it should show 'Release and Archive Manager configured' (this checks that ADRAM is configured for this project at the publication location).
On the tab 'Project/Version information', one can create a new version/release/publication request by clicking on the plus button (see 1 at figure below). In addition the publication parameters and filter can be set by clicking on the wheel button (2). Finally you may compare two releases of your project by clicking on the delta button (3).
When clicking on the plus button, a dialog is presented where information detailing the version/release/publication request can be entered:
- Description: enter a text describing the version or release.
- Type: Intermediate version, or Release. For a release a release label can be entered.
- Save compilations in the following languages: languages can be de-selected to exclude them from the publication.
- Publication request: selecting this checkbox will trigger ADRAM to create a publication at the publication location shown.
- Select 'Add' to confirm.
Publication parameters
The wheel button presents a small dialog to change and maintain the publication parameters. It is organised in a few tabs (see 1 at figure below) General, ISO schematron generation, Human readable publication and Publication Filter and a cancel and save button below (2). The parameters can be switched on or off, a description is shown to explain what the parameter is for.
General tab
ISO schematron generation tab
Human readable publication tab
In the Human readable publication tab there is also a small lists of artefact categories to be chosen from to determine whether they are included in a resulting PDF or not (1).
Filter tab
The Publication Filter tab allows to set filters on and off, i.e. whether a publication contains all scenarios/transactions of the project (filter "off", see 1) or only selected ones. You can select either one or multiple scenarios/transactions from your project's scenarios/transactions in the list (2). You must give a label to your filter in order to describe the nature of the partial publication (3). The "Select all" and "Clear selection" button allows you to select all or none of the scenarios/transactions (4).
Publication status
The following different kinds of publication status are supported:
- When a publication request is first released by ADRAM and appears on the HTML landing page, its status is Under pre-publication review. The publication may be moved from that status to any of the following statuses.
- Draft: The publication is in draft, not yet finalized (nascent) and may be overridden at any time by a new and final release.
- Active: The publication is final (active) and can be considered for production use.
- Retired The publication is considered to be no longer used.
- Cancelled: A publication has withdrawn, has never been used.
- Build failed: This special status represents that during the build and compile phase of the publication, ADRAM detected a processing error.
ADRAM will check periodically for new publication requests and will create the publication at the publication location. Typically a review should be done after which the publication status can be upgraded to 'Draft/Active/Retired/Cancelled' via the tab 'Project/ Versions/Releases'. The status for a publication can now be updated in the column 'Edit':
ADRAM will re-check and update the publication status at the publication location. Visit the publication location URL to see the various releases:
Maintaining a local OID Registry
ART-DECOR has a central place for registration of OIDs but you can certainly have your own local registrations. This is useful for example when your project contain references to code systems not maintained in ART-DECOR, nor administered in one of the hosted central OID Registries. Please note that centralized registration is usually to be preferred.
To view the local ids, you don't need to login. To update them you need to have decor-admin privileges and be author in the project. In both cases, go to the Ids tab on the Project form.
The Project Identifier panel is divided in two sections “Other Ids” and “Base Ids”.
- The Other Ids (in ART-DECOR 2: External Ids) is meant for identifications, defined and potentially registered outside the project, but used in the project and listed there for reference reasons. These identifications may be of any type like Identifiers, Identification systems, Code systems etc. They are typically not used for project owned artefacts with the exception that a project author wants to assign a name to an OID within the scope of the project.
- The Base Ids are used as an Identification system for the identification of various DECOR project artefacts and are normally derived from the project id when a project is created. They act as a “branch” identifier that allows simple assignments of identifiers within a project by simply adding a counter to that base branch root. Example: if the Base Id in a project for a scenario is (thus ending on .3 as the “branch” id for scenarios), a new scenario may simply identified by adding a .1 at the end giving, the next one could be and so forth. Base Ids do have project scope and the intention is that they are automatically generated.
Add a new id in either section using the appropriate [+] button. Update a description by updating the appropriate fields. Don't forget to Save.
The base ids also sport the option "Default". When you have multiple base ids for a specific type, you may switch the default base id. Switching the default means that new artifacts of that type will be created using this new default unless you override.
Note that base ids have a recommended OID suffix: Artefact_Codes
Form parameters
The project form, as most other forms, supports parametrization.
/decor-project--[prefix]?section=[section name]
Parameter | Description | Since |
prefix | Project prefix | always |
section | Switches to the requested section. Options
art v1.5.3 |
language | Displays contents in the requested language. When contents are not available in the requested language, there will be nothing to display. Example en-US, or nl-NL. | art v1.8.51 |