TEL.CA.PHONE Telecommunication Address - Flavor Canadian Phone

Datatype Release 1 Realm
TEL.CA.PHONE Flag ca.svg CA

TEL.PHONE Phone Number (CA constraints)

Allows Allows phone and fax numbers to be communicated

Additional guidance for DIR: to be used for immediate direct communications between providers (e.g. pharmacist to physician for potential medication interaction issues)

Note 1: No constraints have been applied to the content to restrict it to Canadian country codes

Note 2: No constraints have been applied to the format. Best practice is to always include country code and area code when known.

Registered Attributes and Child Elements

@Attribute / Element Cardinality Datatype
@use   optional   set_cs
@value   optional   st
@nullFlavor   optional   cs

Core Schematron Rules (CSR)

The following rules are defined in the base core schematrons (Alert.png errors, Warning.png warnings, Info.png infos).

Check-circle.svg Rule ID: TEL.CA.PHONE

Extends Rule(s): TEL


  • Alert.png dtr1-1-TEL.CA.PHONE: useablePeriod property is not permitted
  • Alert.png dtr1-2-TEL.CA.PHONE: @use is required
  • Alert.png dtr1-3-TEL.CA.PHONE: œuse may have up to three codes and must be drawn from 'EC', 'H', 'MC', 'PG', 'TMP', 'WP'
  • Alert.png dtr1-4-TEL.CA.PHONE: @value has maximum length of 40 characters
  • Alert.png dtr1-5-TEL.CA.PHONE: telecommunication scheme supported is "fax:" or "tel:"