ART Logging

Revision as of 12:42, 26 November 2016 by Mdegraauw (talk | contribs) (Enabling ART Logging)

ART Logging

ART logging is a server side tool to capture traffic between Orbeon and eXist. It supports the following functions:

  • Turning logging on and off
  • Capture all requests made to eXist
  • Inspect those requests
  • Excute those requests server-side against eXist
  • Edit the requests with eXide, and execute the changed request.

Capturing browser-server traffic (F12) with Orbeon/eXist development is not always usefull. F12 typically captures calls between Orbeon client side code en Orbeon XForms server, and this does not relfect the actual XForms code written, making this hard to debug. Also it's often not obvious which calls are executed in XForms, especially when code uses stuff like event watchers and triggers. ART Logging allows the developer to trace and inspect all calls from Orbeon to eXist.

ART Logging can be found at: [server]:[8877]/apps/artlog/modules/logging.xquery

Enabling ART Logging

ART Logging is enabled in a package by inserting a controller.

xquery version "3.0";

import module namespace artlog = "" at "../artlog/modules/artlog.xqm";

let $log  := if ($artlog:logOn) then artlog:logRequest('lab') else ()
    <ignore xmlns="">
        <cache-control cache="no"/>