ART Localization

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ART-DECOR supports multiple languages. Everything is based on language + region, e.g. American English is en-US, and German German is de-DE, while Swiss German is de-CH. ART-DECOR comes with en-US, de-DE and nl-NL out of the box. This page explains what needs to be done to add a new language.

The procedure is currently a bit cumbersome due to the different origins and technologies that all need something just a little different. We will make it easier where possible.


  1. just like any ART-DECOR package there's a resources/form-resources.xml resource that needs to list your language of choice. Note that the ART package determines which languages the user/server supports. Other packages need to support at least these and extra are ignored
  2. Under resources/*.xml you will find various menu config files, that need to support your language
  3. Various xforms carry inline instances with language marked text. These need to be externalized at some point.
  4. Server buildingBlockRepositories have language marked names. If they are already configured when a new language is added, they are not visible to project in the new language but in en-US (remove/re-add to fix)


  1. DECOR.xsd / DECOR-datatypes.xsd -- needed for many of the ART xforms and other places. When a language is missing, en-US is substituted
  2. DECOR-i18n.xml -- needed for publication. When a language is missing, en-US is substituted
  3. REST-i18n.xml -- needed for services. When a language is missing, en-US is substituted


  1. resources/form-resources.xml