
Revision as of 13:11, 3 May 2013 by Admin (talk | contribs) (@id)


Holds code systems, value sets, and associations between dataset concepts and terminology.



0..* optional. Contains either a reference to another value set, or defines a complete value set.

A referencing value set is usually contained in a DECOR Repository. The key attribute is @ref pointing to the id of value set in a repository. Referring to a value set in the repository makes all version of that value set with that id available to the project.

A defining value set typically specifies coded concepts. In addition exceptional codes (exceptions) may be specified. It is also possible to combine complete code systems with specific coded concepts and exceptions. A defining value set has three key attributes: @id, @name and @effectiveDate.

Check-circle.svg The value set
  • SHOULD contain a @ref to another value set (referencing value set)
  • or SHOULD define at least one coded concept or exception or reference to another complete code system (defining value set).
Check-circle.svg A referencing value set SHOULD NOT contains any complete code systems or coded concepts or exceptions of its own.


A mandatory globally unique, non-semantic, identifier for the value set as the primary identifier, typically an OID.


A required name for the value set as a secondary identifier. Please note that there is no guarantee that the name is globally unique.


The mandatory date (and time) after which the value set can be considered for use. Use of the value set prior to this date would be considered an invalid use of the value set.


If this value set refers to another value set rather than defining its own set, then this attribute contains the globally unique, non-semantic, identifier for that referenced value set as the primary identifier.


If this value set refers to another value set rather than defining its own set, then this attribute determines, in conjunction with @ref static or dynamic binding to that value set.


The optional date at which the value set becomes stale, and should be reviewed for (clinical) relevance and accuracy. Use of the value set after this date would be considered venturesome.


The mandatory status of the value set. According to the Business Requirements for Value Set Registries ART-DECOR uses the following subset of status codes of a value set (in bold).

statusCode Description
new Value set just created and is new and work in progress to become a draft/finalized value set. Beyond the author, nobody should look at this value set unless it's status code is draft or finalized.
draft Value set under development (nascent). Metadata and value set may be incomplete. Entered primarily to encourage other users to be aware of ongoing process.
final Value set has been published by the custodian organization and deemed fit for use. May have associated adoption and annotation metadata
deprecated Value set retired: No longer fit for use. Information available for historical reference.
rejected Value set is rejected
cancelled Value set is withdrawn
Information.svg A value set registry may consider all status codes (also those in italics) that are defined in the Business Requirements for Value Set Registries. The value set itself is considered to need only the codes mentioned above and the experience of several years using ART-DECOR showed that this is sufficient.


The optional human readable display name for the value set for orientation purposes. This is not intended for machine processing and typically created in the project’s language or in English.


The optional human readable version label for the value set to be able to determine the correct version of a value set. This is not intended for machine processing.

Sub-elements of value set


0..*. An optional free text natural language description of the intent and scope of the value set. The purpose is to provide the author’s initial intent for the value set. Format: string with optional HTML tagging (XHTML). Supports @language, see @defaultLanguage.


0..*. An optional relation of this value set to a full code system such as SNOMED or LOINC.


1..1. A mandatory globally unique, non-semantic, reference to the code system.


0..1. An optional name for the code system


0..1. An optional specific version string for the code system


0..1. An optional static or dynamic binding for the code system that is referred. Default value is 'dynamic'.


<completeCodeSystem codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED"/>


0..1 Contains the list of coded concepts/exceptions. Coded concepts and exceptions both carry the same attributes. Exceptional concepts correspond to NullFlavors in HL7 V3. Note that the same coded concept can occur more than once in a value set at different hierarchical levels.



1..1. A mandatory code from a code system


1..1. A mandatory globally unique, non-semantic, reference to the code system of the code


0..1. An optional name for the code system of the code


0..1. An optional specific version string for the code system of the code


0..1'. The optional human readable display name for the code for orientation purposes. This display name corresponds to an official display name or synonym for the code in the code system.


1..1. A required integer indicating the hierarchical level of the coded concept within the code system that the code comes from


1..1. A required code for the type of code as indicated by the code system. Valid values are:

Type Description
A Abstract; a term that has children in the specialization hierarchy, but is not, itself, selectable and therefore deemed abstract.
S Specializable; a term that has children in the specialization hierarchy, and is also selectable and therefore deemed specializable.
L Leaf; a term that has no children in the specialization hierarchy, and is selectable, and therefore deemed to be a leaf.
D Deprecated; a term that should not be used any longer


<!-- Dynamic reference to another value set -->
<valueSet ref="2.16.840.1.113883.2.4.999.1"
          displayName="Medication Code From RxNorm">
    <desc language="en-US">Medication codes from RxNorm</desc>
<!-- Value set binding to RxNorm and adding NullFlavor OTH -->
<valueSet id="2.16.840.1.113883.2.4.999.1" 
          displayName="Medication Code From RxNorm" 
    <desc language="en-US">Medication codes from RxNorm</desc>
    <completeCodeSystem codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.88" codeSystemName="RxNorm"/>
        <exception code="OTH" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1008" 
                 displayName="Other" level="0" type="L"/>
<!-- HL7 V3 Value Set adding NullFlavor UNK and OTH -->
<valueSet id="2.16.840.1.113883.11.19897" 
        <concept code="_ActConsentType" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="ActConsentType" level="0" type="A"/>
        <concept code="ICOL" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="information collection" level="1" type="L"/>
        <concept code="IDSCL" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="information disclosure" level="1" type="L"/>
        <concept code="INFA" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="information access" level="1" type="S"/>
        <concept code="INFAO" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="access only" level="2" type="L"/>
        <concept code="INFASO" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="access and save only" level="2" type="L"/>
        <concept code="IRDSCL" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="information redisclosure" level="1" type="L"/>
        <concept code="RESEARCH" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="research information" level="1" type="S"/>
        <concept code="RSDID" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="de-identified information access" level="2" type="L"/>
        <concept code="RSREID" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" 
                 displayName="re-identifiable information access" level="2" type="L"/>



The id of the concept to which the terminology association is to be linked to, i.e. a concept list or a specific concept as part of a concept list of a coded data element.

@valueSet, @flexibility

Typically a @valueSet by name or by id may be used to be linked to a concept. The concept denoted in @conceptId is a concept list of a coded data element.

@flexibility is either "dynamic" to refer to the latest version of @valueSet or is a date (static reference) which means that the reference is made to a specific version of of @valueSet.

@code, @codeSystem

A specific @code from a @codeSystem may be used to link to a concept. The concept denoted in @conceptId is typically a concept from a concept list of a coded data element.

@effectiveDate, @expirationDate

These two attribute relate to the terminology association itself: they are used to denote start and end date of the validation period of the respective terminology association


<terminologyAssociation conceptId="" valueSet="CareProvider" flexibility="2011-09-04T00:00:00"/>
<terminologyAssociation conceptId="" code="SRG" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883."/>