Release channel dev

Revision as of 17:49, 9 September 2014 by Ahenket (talk | contribs) (ART-DECOR System Services)

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Description: contains the latest (pre-release) versions of everything. Stability is not guaranteed, but if you want the latest and greatest, this is where you want to be.

ART Advanced Requirements Tooling

The ART web application is the main web application of ART-DECOR. It contains required logic for CRUD operations on DECOR files and various other related parts

2014-09-08 version 1.1.42

  • Fixed language drop down for projects with one or more languages not in the ART package
  • Interface tweaks in project creation (decor-admin)

2014-09-05 version 1.1.41

  • Fixed bug when switching an existing concept from any other type to code or ordinal would not give you a concept list to expand

2014-09-05 version 1.1.40

  • Moved local language resources into art-data/resources/form-resources.xml to avoid art-data clutter at the root and some predictability as to what the collection is for

2014-09-04 version 1.1.39

  • Logo fix. Especially in terminology forms, the logo would be empty.

2014-09-03 version 1.1.38

2014-09-02 version 1.1.37

  • Fixed bug in template viewer form that would cause the button to add a missing ref not to appear

2014-09-02 version 1.1.36

  • Fixed bug in template-api that would make getting a template prototype fail
  • Comparable to valueset api it is now possible in the template-api to retrieve templates without serialization of description and other nodes with markup

2014-08-28 version 1.1.35

  • Adds the ability to return value set desc nodes as-is
  • Adds some required strings for decor service RetrieveValueSet

2014-08-28 version 1.1.34

  • Bugfix in handling of issues labels when selected on issues form. Now any match is returned not just exact match

2014-08-28 version 1.1.33

  • various language fixes, mainly to the language-support logic. It now exposes the menu XSLs too. Still doesn't do xqueries (e.g. ADANS) or menu xml.

2014-08-27 version 1.1.32

  • terminology associations under concepts no longer have yellow background
  • terminology form now display a link back to the original concept for a referenced conceptList when applicable

2014-08-27 version 1.1.31

  • Upon saving an edited valueSet, don't save @projectPrefix

2014-08-27 version 1.1.30

  • Adds status 'feedback' to the default list of selected statuses on issues form

2014-08-27 version 1.1.29

  • CSS fix for issue and template status in all forms

2014-08-25 version 1.1.26-28

  • Made form-resources retrieval more robust with proper fallback
  • Externalized all language dependent content in headers into form-resources.xml for proper l10n
  • Removed setting server-language from language-support form and fixed other language-support form functionality
  • Added feature to add a new language in the language-support form with a visual warning that form-resources are overwritten when you update the package. As your changes will then be lost this limits usefulness of this feature. TODO

2014-08-25 version 1.1.25

  • Adds filter option to scenarios so you only get those tied to dataset X
  • Add concept usage to transaction concepts (excludes usage of the current scenario

2014-08-xx version <= 1.1.24

  • Updated form occurrences of format-dateTime so they all check castable and output exactly the same yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd if time is 00:00:00 -- castable necessary for Orbeon 4.x transition
  • Updated all tree views of templates so they display classification first. Allows for more overview
  • Updated installer to check existing index before writing a new one, and reindex if they differ
  • Added preliminary support for Polish as UI language
  • Various smaller patches

DECOR core files

DECOR-core contains definitions for the DECOR format in XSD, transformations that produce HTML/Schematron/Wiki etc.

2014-08-31 version 1.1.6

  • Runtime environment instance2schematron.xml will now include rootelement based mappings to facilitate validation scenarios

DECOR example files

DECOR example files

Version 1.1.5

Read more information, or download DECOR-examples-1.1.5.xar.

DECOR services

REST services for DECOR

2014-09-01 version 1.1.4

  • Adds the ability to download value sets in Excel format -- currently RetrieveValueSet only

ART-DECOR System Services

ART-DECOR System Services provides resources related to ART-DECOR system services like ADANS (automatic notifier system) and ADRAM (release and release manager)

2014-09-09 version 1.1.2

  • Improved wording for email
  • Added dependency on ART 1.1.42 which contains art:getFormResources and necessary language updates. art:getFormResources makes sure you always have language to display even if the requested project/@defaultLanguage is unavailable.
  • Feature: don't send notification if user added the last tracking/assignment (he will already know)
  • Feature: now shows labels too if applicable
  • Feature: added some debugging parameters to avoid sending email, or send email but to a fixed address to all notifications, and finally to avoid updating the lastissuenotify marker for the user for repeated tested

Terminology Applications

Terminology explorers

2014-09-03 version 1.1.7

2014-09-01 version 1.1.6

  • Snomed and DHD fixes

2014-09-01 version 1.1.5

  • Bugfixes and changes for extended Snomed release format

2014-08-27 version 1.1.4

  • Updated installer for more robust index updating

2014-08-xx version <= 1.1.3

  • Snomed and DHD fixes

XIS Test information system

Client and server test information system

2014-09-03 version 1.1.15

2014-08-31 version 1.1.14

  • Improved error trapping for more screen guidance after message validation

2014-08-27 version 1.1.13

  • HTML version of messages (Dutch only), now has Base64 support when encountered

2014-08-27 version 1.1.12

  • Messages and tests no longer show messages inline, but feature a button for a separate window. This significantly boosts performance and prevents interference with data tables on the same forms.
  • The Test-accounts setting "Show XML" is no longer useful and is ignored. It will be removed at some point

2014-08-26 version 1.1.10 / 1.1.11

  • Updated forms to call get-form-resources.xquery from ART package, providing proper fallback when the requested UI language is not present in the current package
  • Various language related updates in medication form

2014-08-19 version 1.1.9

  • Updated form occurrences of format-dateTime so they all check castable and output exactly the same yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd if time is 00:00:00 -- castable necessary for Orbeon 4.x transition

2014-08-xx version <= 1.1.8

  • Bug fixed that caused empty testseries.xml in test accounts after pressing save in Test Accounts
  • Improved reliability of HTML display of messages.xhtml
  • Updated installer to check existing index before writing a new one, and reindex if they differ
  • Various smaller fixes

OID Registry tools

OID Registry tools. OID Registries are a basic building block for other parts of ART-DECOR.

2014-09-03 version 1.1.5

2014-08-26 version 1.1.4

  • Updated forms to call get-form-resources.xquery from ART package, providing proper fallback when the requested UI language is not present in the current package

ADA - ART DECOR Applications

ADA is a toolkit for building applications from DECOR specifications. It is useful for rapid prototyping, test-driving functional specifications and as a starting point for serious development.

2014-09-01 version 0.9.0

  • Proper handling of insert/delete of x..* concepts, regardless of nesting depth. Also x..* concept items are now properly supported.

ART-DECOR Template Editor

DECOR Temple Editor is the advanced version of the default version contained in ART. It allows direct manipulation of the underlying definition in XML. It supports content completion, and validation of the definition before saving. While Temple is in its alpha stage, the button to call Temple from the template form is only available when the user has debug rights.

2014-09-03 version 0.9.2

HL7: CDA Release 2 XML materials

CDA Release 2 files. XML Schema, XSL, instances

2014-08-28 version 1.1.1

  • cda.xsl updated for timezones (now as-is, not as name as that would be wrong often due to daylight avings)
  • various changes due to the fact that this package is meant to be a XAR but also as a mini demo website

HL7: demo5 - vital signs XML materials

demo5 XML-materials

Version 0.1.0

Read more information, or download hl7_demo5-0.1.0.xar.

Terminology: ATC Data

ATC Data

Version 0.6.2

Read more information, or download terminology-atc-data-0.6.2.xar.

Terminology: HL7 Data

HL7 Data - generated from RIM 2.40.7 / CoreMIF DEFN=UV=VO=1175-20120802 (HL7 Normative Edition 2013) with only active code systems.

Version 1175-20120802

Read more information, or download terminology-hl7-data-1175-20120802.xar.

Terminology: ICD-10 DE Data

ICD-10 DE Data package

Version 1.1.1

Read more information, or download terminology-icd10-de-data-1.1.1.xar.

Terminology: ICD-10 NL Data

ICD-10 NL Data package

Version 1.1.1

Read more information, or download terminology-icd10-nl-data-1.1.1.xar.

Terminology: ICD-10 US Data

ICD-10 US Data package

Version 1.1.1

Read more information, or download terminology-icd10-us-data-1.1.1.xar.

Terminology: ICF NL Data

ICF NL data package

Version 0.6.4

Read more information, or download terminology-icf-nl-data-0.6.4.xar.

Terminology: ISO 9999 Data

ISO 9999 Data

Version 0.2

Read more information, or download terminology-iso9999-data-0.2.xar.

Terminology: LOINC data

LOINC data package

Version 2.44

Read more information, or download terminology-loinc-data-2.44.xar.

Terminology: RadLex Data


Version 3.9.3

Read more information, or download terminology-RadLex-data-3.9.3.xar.

Terminology: SNOMED CT Data

Snomed CT Data

Version 14.1

Read more information, or download terminology-snomed-data-14.1.xar.