
Revision as of 20:40, 3 December 2012 by Ahenket (talk | contribs) (Directory layout)


DECOR definitions may be exported into various formats. You may export into any format and any layout you need. DECOR comes with many predefined exports with the toolset, all conveniently accessible from one main stylesheet, and configurable through a parameter file. This page explains how to set it up and how to make it work for your purposes.

Available formats

The exports that come supported from SourceForge are:

  • HTML - documents everything in the DECOR file at conversion time
  • Schematron - creates ISO Schematron with XSLT 2.0 query binding. These are useful for validating instances that are based on the specification
  • DocBook - unfinished work. DocBook is an XML based standard that allows conversion into many more formats such as PDF

Set up

Exporting DECOR into other formats is best done locally although there more ways to achieve your goal. Here the local setup is discussed.


  • DECOR exports are based on XSLT 2.0. To run any export you'll need an XSLT 2.0 capable processor. Development and testing is done based on Saxon-PE/HE/SE 9.x. XSLT 2.0 support is also into built into tools such as <oXygen/> (Windows/Linux/OSX) and XMLSpy.
  • Download the DECOR transformations from Download
  • Create a directory layout resembling the layout below
  • Download your DECOR file from the DECOR server. Currently you may only do this through direct eXist-db access (TODO: add page on how to), but in future versions of ART-DECOR there should be UI options for precompiling and downloading this file.

Directory layout

pfx is your project prefix. Bold is a folder.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Folder layout
  • DECOR-XSL -- everything from SourceForge (see above)
    • coreschematron
    • DECOR2schematron.xsl
    • ...
    • assets -- from DECOR transformations, contains CSS, Javascript, images etc.
    • pfx-logos -- holds any image configured in DECOR copyright/@logo
    • pfx-decor.xml -- your DECOR file
    • decor-parameters.xml -- contains all parameters for exporting. Name is fixed


This is the basic setup of the decor-parameters.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<decor-parameters xmlns:xsi=""
   <!-- create Schematron with switchCreateSchematron1 or 
           don't create (switchCreateSchematron0) -->
   <!-- create Schematron with HL7v3 messaging wrappers includes 
           (switchCreateSchematronWithWrapperIncludes1) or don't create
           (switchCreateSchematronWithWrapperIncludes0) -->
   <!-- create HTML documentation (switchCreateDocHTML1) or 
           don't create (switchCreateDocHTML0) -->
   <!-- create SVG images where applicable (switchCreateDocSVG1) or 
           don't create (switchCreateDocSVG0) -->
   <!-- create DocBook documentation (switchCreateDocDocbook1) or 
           don't create (switchCreateDocDocbook0) -->
   <!-- use local assets dir ../assets (useLocalAssets1) instead of online 
           version (useLocalAssets0) on 
           (xx depends on DECOR2Schematron.xsl) -->
   <!-- use local logos dir ../pfx-logos (useLocalLogos1) instead of online 
           version (useLocalLogos0) on /decor/project/reference + /pfx-logos/ -->
   <!-- add a logo to the top right on HTML pages, optionally with a URL 
           (useCustomLogo1) or don't add (useCustomLogo0) -->
   <useCustomLogo0 src="../pfx-logos/nictiz.jpg" href=""/>
   <!-- create artifacts in timestamped directories (inDevelopment0) or 
           create artifacts in pfx-runtime-develop / pfx-html-develop (inDevelopment1) 
           while we are just publishing/testing intermediate results-->
   <!-- override /decor/project/@language default language, or set if not given there -->
   <!-- If switchCreateDatatypeChecks1 all XML elements with a datatype are 
           created with an extends in Schematron. Normally left active. -->

Recommended Procedure

  • Make sure your DECOR file is consistent. This may sound obvious, but better to overstate it.
  • Make sure you have some relevant release notes in project/(release|version)
  • When you intend to publish for eternity to a larger audience it is best to make sure your export is self contained
    • decor-parameters.xml -- useLocalAssets1, useLocalLogos1, inDevelopment0
  • When you intend to publish intermediate output to test you could opt to switch to a development build using
    • decor-parameters.xml -- inDevelopment1
  • Transform your pfx-decor.xml file using DECOR2schematron.xsl. Example output:
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Started 21:15:37.964+01:00
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Reading DECOR parameter file
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Creating schematrons based on scenario transaction representing templates with wrapper includes if available
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Benchmarking indicator: 2
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Creating schematrons
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Creating terminology files
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Creating documentation html + svg
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Finished 
Description: [Saxon-EE] *** Total processing time 0h 0m 14.128s
  • Publish your output on a web server