Difference between revisions of "About"

(Used in practice!)
(Used in practice!)
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Take a look at  
Take a look at  
* the demonstration #3 of ART-DECOR - [http://http://art-decor.org/art-decor/decor-project--demo3- Demo 3: Electrocardiogram Report as a Minimal CDA Document]
* the demonstration #3 of ART-DECOR - [http://art-decor.org/art-decor/decor-project--demo3- Demo 3: Electrocardiogram Report as a Minimal CDA Document] (switch to English language)
* the [http://decor.nictiz.nl DECOR site at Nictiz] (in Dutch)
* the [http://decor.nictiz.nl DECOR site at Nictiz] (in Dutch)
* or download [http://sourceforge.net/projects/artdecor/ ART-DECOR from SourceForge].
* or download [http://sourceforge.net/projects/artdecor/ ART-DECOR from SourceForge].
A public ART-DECOR instance online will soon be available, which features different electronic health records as well as a sandbox and demo environment.
A public ART-DECOR instance online will soon be available, which features different electronic health records as well as a sandbox and demo environment.

Revision as of 19:26, 20 February 2013

What is ART-DECOR?

DECOR (Data Elements, Codes, OIDs and Rules) is a methodology to record the information model used by health professionals. DECOR uses this model to generate various artifacts: documentation, XML- and test-tooling, etc. With DECOR it is possible to improve the recorded information model by generating and resolving issues per item. DECOR registers (amongst others) datasets, datatypes, valuesets, codes, identifications, and business rules. The underlying data-format is XML. Generation of HTML-documentation and XML-materials is possible through transformations with stylesheets.

DECOR consists of two parts:

  • DECOR methodology: a framework to model artifacts (including documentation)
  • DECOR software: XML-schemas, XML-schematrons, XML-stylesheets.

ART (Advanced Requirement Tooling) is the DECOR user interface to create and adapt DECOR files, and to generate artifacts from DECOR files. ART is based on the eXist XML database, XQuery and Orbeon XForms.



Who benefits from ART-DECOR?

With ART-DECOR, experts with different backgrounds, such as healthcare professionals, terminologists, architects, designers and programmers together enter the necessary data, iteratively improve and connect those, all using the same underlying data store. ART-DECOR registers datasets, data types, value sets, identifications, codes, business rules, (HL7v3) templates and contains version management

Use it for what?

ART-DECOR can be used by:

  • Regional and national networks for data exchange in healthcare.
  • Larger healthcare institutions or collaborations to improve the internal data exchanges.
  • Software vendors in healthcare looking for simpler ways to implement complex specifi-cations.
  • IT service providers in healthcare such as ASPs.
  • All parties who facilitate complex data exchanges or data stores in healthcare.

Use it for free!

ART DECOR is 100% free and:

  • Is the basis for capturing data definitions in healthcare.
  • Contains tools for governance and version management.
  • Supports various forms of publication.
  • Contains issue management to iteratively improve data definitions.
  • Enables and simplifies the creation and validation of examples and test scenarios.
  • Generates a web page on the fly to enter examples for each dataset.
  • Contains tools for conformance testing of participating parties.
  • Can be used by others as a basis for the construction of code generators, automatic questionnaires, user interfaces, conversions of data formats, database diagrams and much more.

Used in practice!

ART DECOR is used in Germany, Austria, Norway and the Netherlands, among others, at Nictiz (the National Healthcare Standards Institute) and RIVM (the National Healthcare Authority).

Take a look at

A public ART-DECOR instance online will soon be available, which features different electronic health records as well as a sandbox and demo environment.