Difference between revisions of "Release channel stable"

(ART Advanced Requirements Tooling)
(ART Advanced Requirements Tooling)
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**Now allows subscribe/unsubscribe from template issues
**Now allows subscribe/unsubscribe from template issues
**Now displays history if available
**Now displays history if available
* Updated icon for stationary transactions
* Fixed a problem when you search for something that exists and then for something that doesn't
* Fixed a problem when you search for something that exists and then for something that doesn't
* Fixed a problem viewing valueSets when no value set is selected. The triggered a problem related to history
* Fixed a problem viewing valueSets when no value set is selected. The triggered a problem related to history
* Fixed a problem viewing valueSets and template from BBRs that have no reference yet but are in scope
* Fixed a problem viewing valueSets and template from BBRs that have no reference yet but are in scope
* Fixed some permission problems in history
* Fixed some permission problems in history
* Updated SNOMED CT license notice
* All editors: now returns any locks in case of NO PERMISSION
* All editors: now returns any locks in case of NO PERMISSION
* Template-editor
* Template-editor

Revision as of 13:19, 25 April 2017

Go to all Release_channels


Dashboard: http://decor.nictiz.nl/apps/public-repo
View: http://decor.nictiz.nl/apps/public-repo/retrieve.html

Description: contains the latest stable versions of everything. Stability is guaranteed. See Release_channel_dev for information on the development releases.

ART Advanced Requirements Tooling

The ART web application is the main web application of ART-DECOR. It contains required logic for CRUD operations on DECOR files and various other related parts

2017-04-25 version 1.8.41

  • Publications
    • Flipped the defaults for a number of publication parameters to match the defaults in DECOR2schematron and create-decor-version.xquery:
      • switchCreateDocHTML0 to switchCreateDocHTML1
      • switchCreateDocSVG0 to switchCreateDocSVG1
      • useLocalAssets0 to useLocalAssets1
      • useLocalLogos0 to useLocalLogos1
      • useLatestDecorVersion0 to useLatestDecorVersion1
      • switchCreateTreeTableHtml0 to switchCreateTreeTableHtml1
      • Extra: defaultLanguage gets overridden with project/@defaultLanguage when value is not supported in project
      • Extra: artdecordeeplinkprefix gets overridden with adserver:getserverURLArt() if not xs:anyURI
    • Fixed publication filter on/off behavior. Now resets to off when no more selections exist too and after clicking Reset.
    • Added Dutch localization to documentation of paramaters
  • Template viewer
    • Now displays in scope BBR templates even if no reference exists
    • Now allows cloning a template regardless of status
    • Now allows to go to temple from the edit-dialog
    • Now allows subscribe/unsubscribe from template issues
    • Now displays history if available
  • Updated icon for stationary transactions
  • Fixed a problem when you search for something that exists and then for something that doesn't
  • Fixed a problem viewing valueSets when no value set is selected. The triggered a problem related to history
  • Fixed a problem viewing valueSets and template from BBRs that have no reference yet but are in scope
  • Fixed some permission problems in history
  • Updated SNOMED CT license notice
  • All editors: now returns any locks in case of NO PERMISSION
  • Template-editor
    • Fixed a problem where it was not possible to select a repo valueSet to add to your project from the template-editor
    • Now retains strength from the prototype
    • No longer displays @strength when not(@datatype)
    • Saving now explicitly states every supported attribute on elements instead of saving everything except non-supported attributes. This allows more targeted saving like not saving @flexibility when not @contains|@ref|@valueSet, or not @valueSet and @code
    • Added a warning to the dialog that instructs you to update the templateId element after updating the template/@id when context/@id
    • Added a binding that disallows save until you have fixed a mismatching templateId element when context/@id
    • Various technical fixes

2017-04-06 version 1.8.40

  • Installation: simplified language merging, performance gain
  • Fix permissions upon initial save of governance group links
  • Scenarios
    • Fixes a display bug in scenarios when there are no transaction connected to a dataset
    • Fixes a serious problem in id management causing duplicate entries when adding scenarios/transaction in when not all scenarios are in view. Now asks server for latest id and compares that to in client ids. Highest wins

2017-03-23 version 1.8.39

  • Fixed permissions for mostly decor/releases which caused an inability to create new releases
  • Better error handling and use of art-decor.xqm functions in compilations
  • Terminology: fixed a problem where adding new conceptList/concept to code associations was impossible
  • Scenarios/transactions: check if trigger contains a description at minimum. (will not be saved otherwise)

2017-03-14 version 1.8.38

  • Datasets: fixed a problem in the inherit dialog where the selection in the dialog was not correctly applied.
  • Datasets: fixes a deinherit problem when the object of inheritance is non local and has a coded/ordinal valueDomain
  • Datasets: fixes a problem where dataset name and desc would not be editable if you switch to a supported language that was not populated before
  • Project: added edit and save publication parameters for scenario based filters
  • Templates: fixes a problem where if you did not populate assert|report @see or @flag before you would not be able to populate them later
  • Templates: very first version of the object dependency query for the upcoming propagate to BBR feature
  • Templates: fix for "exerr:ERROR Internal evaluation error: context is missing for node 3.9.23 ! [at line 1151, column 46"
  • Templates: also update the templateAssociation element if any when updating the template/@id
  • ValueSets: ID management for value sets (same as for templates)
  • ValueSets: history also for value sets
  • ValueSets: Improved dialog for selecting a valueSet. Order is now alphabetic
  • Added iddisplay for transaction/dataset to getFullDatasetTree
  • Updates for changes in the SNOMED-CT format
  • Better permission handling in compilations
  • Fixed a problem where order of dataset/@id | dataset/@effectiveDate suddenly became relevant.
  • Fixed a compile problem that caused skipping of name elements with nested text() nodes (since name elements are flat this should never have occurred)

2017-02-02 version 1.8.37

  • Template-editor
    • fixed a problem that could prevent saving template updates from the visual editor
  • My Community
    • Fixed form initialization for datasets and transactions
    • Performance improvements
    • Small visual enhancements
  • Template-mapping
    • Fixed form initialization for datasets
    • upon display of a dataset//conceptList/concept/@exception, show a readonly checkbox, not an input field
  • ValueSets
    • fixed form initialization for non-existent valuesets

2017-01-30 version 1.8.36

  • Templates: switched default for status recursion to "false". This SHALL be an explicitly chosen action
  • Templates: in services that return template XML, now the namespace declarations are turned too
  • Templates: when the original template displayName changes, references now follow this updated name
  • Community: implemented support for datatype enum
  • Community: fixed sort order when adding notes of different type to a concept

2017-01-20 version 1.8.35

  • Scenarios: enhancement so you no longer have to go back to -all- in the list of datasets before being able to select a different focal dataset
  • Fix for problem in saving new templates
  • Fix for rare cases where history could be written for templates, while template wasn't actually saved

2017-01-18 version 1.8.34

  • Datasets
    • Fixed behavior upon cancel after adding + inherit + deinherit in before save
  • Scenarios
    • Added missing functionality to add localized properties through the globe button
  • Templates
    • Fixed missing collection decor/history that caused inability to save template edits

2017-01-10 version 1.8.33

  • Development
    • Moved development tab such as compilation from the Project page into a page of its own with its own menu entry under Project
    • Synchronized validation output layout with IHE Gazelle layout
    • Better layout for check decor
    • adding new layout of validation ouput to Life Runtime Compile LRC in XIS
    • adding at least @see on datatype core schematrons
  • Publishing
    • Publishing now supports a dialog for setting the most important parameters that were defaulted before
    • Added support for partial publications through filters.xml for ADRAM. Now you may publish just a particular set of transactions (with attached datasets/templates/value sets for example.
  • Terminology
    • New: search in the value set dialog
    • Fixed: when adding new conceptList/concept terminology associations now the associated value sets are offered using the correct version(s)
    • Allow text even when condition/@conformance='NP'
  • Transactions
    • When the transaction editor deletes a group it now marks underlying concepts too so after saving, the transaction viewer does not list group contents until you reload it. The bug was only a visual one.
    • Fixed summary in scenarios form that prevented display of errors when applicable
  • Templates
    • Setting status now allows for recursion: you may recursively apply status and expiration on all templates hanging of the focal template. Because this is a very powerful feature you may first inspect the list of templates that would be affected by the update
    • Introducing api-decor-history, first functional: artifact history list for templates, triggered upon save-template
    • Fixed dissappearing gear icons when the contents of the table exceed the max table width
    • Now respects attributes order in template element and attribute except for @id which is written last.
  • Value Sets
    • Replaced the XForms based rendering engine with the publishing rendering engine. ART and publications thus now support a unified view.
    • Great performance improvements in loading the tree of value sets.
  • Visual improvements
    • Slight enhancement: the status buttons on dataset now explicitly mention "dataset".
    • Improved rendering of references to repository artifacts (value sets and templates)
    • Visual update in the titles of most DECOR pages
    • Moved project list under governance group to a separate tab
  • Miscellaneous
    • Functionality improvement in project-ids editing. Now supports editing all languages at once and includes setting the type
    • Redesign of the decor-explore page
    • RetrieveConceptDiagram now supports filtering based on concept status. Datasets form new sends this info
    • Artifact searches now always returns shortest matches first
    • Added option to search for users where relevant, e.g. when adding a project or an author. Caveat: when you are dba the experience differs from a regular decor-admin. For the latter search works better. decor-admin searches (lucene) in user-info.xml based on username and displayname while a dba searches based on exists username only (glob style).
    • Implemented support for new buildingBlockRepository/@format (default: decor)
    • Enhancement for db permissions. Now sticky bit is set to the group on decor collections
    • Changed default value for tree views in publications to "true" to use foldable tables where applicable
    • Fixed news ticker for html contents
    • Made a start with a bigger update to the project menu. Upon every retrieval of the project info, the project statistics for that user are updated with a last access time and a count. This way you can determine what the user likely wants to see, next time he logs on. Most frequently used, and most recently used
    • Various performance updates

2017-01-06 version 1.8.32

  • Updates for LOINC 2.58

2016-12-02 version 1.8.31

  • Fixes a bug that could cause duplicate template elementIds introduced in 1.8.30
  • Fixes a problem where the Save (without close) button on the template editor would stay active after creating a version or adaptation

2016-11-30 version 1.8.30

  • Important: closed security hole that could be used to exploit xis-accounts
  • Important: fixed a problem when using the "New template" button that would cause template to be created under the default base id of the demo1- project. Affected projects on art-decor.org have already been patched
  • Datasets
    • Fall back to first element with a value when it is not available for requested language on concept/name|desc and conceptList/concept/name
  • Templates
    • Centralized and improved logic for adding ids on element and attributes
    • Fixed a problem that prohibited making a static valueSet binding in the editor
  • Overall performance improvement

2016-11-22 version 1.8.29

  • Realm-specific additions
    • Added support for Dutch labterminology
  • Datasets
    • Fixed a problem where @exception markers were lost upon save
  • Terminology
    • Added missing self-link like on all other forms
    • Added indenting to the valueSet/associations section
    • Added concept/@exception to the view

2016-11-10 version 1.8.28

  • Datasets/Scenarios
    • Fixed behavior for objects in status pending. You may switch status, but not edit otherwise
    • Add shortcut to RetrieveTransaction service to allow view/download in table mode
  • Issues
    • Authors can now edit the status/labels of trackings they authored (action is logged)
    • Adds a cancel button to editing a tracking/assignment description
    • Fixes the option to edit a tracking/assignment description when it was empty
  • Projects
    • Added support for new property "type" on copyright holders. Default is 'author'
    • Added runtime compilation fixes so validation of examples is active. There are still issues, but all parts that work help.
  • Templates
    • Add support for multi lingual editing instead of one language at a time
    • Can no longer edit templates with status pending. Temple was active
    • Added setting all statuses with respect for the template lifecycle
    • Do not offer a new reference in editing if one is already present
  • Value sets
    • Fixed a bug where completeCodeSystems through included valueSets were not considered
    • Fix for language switching bug in value set concept designations
    • Fix for duplicate hits when projects point to each other
  • General
    • Made concept/relationship a link in all places it appears just like in the dataset-viewer
    • Various performance improvements
    • Updated strings for German

2016-10-10 version 1.8.27

  • Project
    • New: upon creation of a new project version|release you now get a summary of all changed issues since the previous version|release as part of your release info. You may review/edit that summary before saving.
    • Improved rendering of project compilation and validation results
    • Visual tweaks to BBR rendering
  • Template mapping
    • Can no longer edit templates with status pending.
    • Added setting all statuses with respect for the template lifecycle
    • Added the visual template editor option. Only Temple was active
  • Template editor
    • Fix: do not offer a new reference if one is already present
    • Avoid endless screen widths in template editor for templates with large comment lines in descriptions etc by at least restrict width to fix 2000px
    • Disable spellchecking of the browser (if supported) in the input field for element/attribute name
    • Improvements in retrieval of info under new attributes and elements
  • Issues
    • Authors can now edit the description of tracking/assignments they authored (action is logged)
    • Decor-admin can now edit the description of tracking/assignments of anyone (action is logged)
    • Fixed rendering of id on referenced valueSets
  • Value Sets
    • Add read/write support for concept and exception designations. This allows for multiple displayNames on codes based on language and/or type. Types: preferred, synonym, abbreviation. By default, but user can disable this, copies all known descriptions from SNOMED CT and LOINC into value set.
    • Fixed a bug where completeCodeSystems through included valueSets were not considered

2016-08-16 version 1.8.26

  • Project: Get proper ADRAM status via httpclient again, show value set from repo if so. Rewritten logic for ADAWIB regarding templates and value sets to explicitly include them in wiki output even if they are not from this governance group
  • Datasets:
    • Fixed initialization problem in selecting similar concepts to inherit from
    • Don't do an intermediate save upon getting concept for inherit. When something goes wrong there no cancel
  • MyCommunity:
    • Added missing missing for concept/@exception causing this attribute to show up editable
    • Fixed label for prototypes code and enum
    • Fixed support for prototype code
  • Datasets/Template/Value sets: Allow setting status to draft from pending
  • Templates/Value sets: When searching on id without prefix, do not search just all non-private repositories, but instead search any project that defines it or references it.
  • Codesystem editor: Fixed a bug that prevented deletion of a codeSystem/@ref
  • Value set editor:
    • Now searches in code of claml systems as well as descriptions
    • Fixed a problem in the creation of valueSet versions and adaptations
  • Template editor: Fixed merge problems on templates based on prototype where multiple examples exists at the same level.
  • Template mapping:
    • Fixed a problem where an elementName would not available for non-local BBR templates
    • Dataset/transaction tree now only marks a concept as 'mapped' when either the full dataset in scope or when the concept is mapped in a template that is part of the selected transaction
  • Template viewer:
    • Fixed link to TemplateIndex from the template BBR dialog
    • No template usage determination any more in template xform (is done by RetrieveTemplate)
    • Don't assume that template designer is silent about flexibility dynamic when calculating used by/dependencies
  • General:
    • Updated hl7 index for performance Note that installation will take a long time if you have a large number of hl7 packages installed
    • DHD: removed old DHD menu entry

2016-07-13 version 1.8.25

  • Datasets: fixed a problem where the similar items to inherit contains items ancestor-or-self compared to the context item
  • Datasets/scenarios/terminology: improved usage views for concepts
  • Concept usage no longer includes hits for transactions/templates connected to concepts that inherit from current concept
  • Fixed a problem where transactions descriptions would not be editable
  • Fixed problem where transaction/triggers were saved without @language attribute making them hidden after save for the viewer
  • Template-editor: Now retrieves namespaced datatype if it is a supported datatype as such
  • Template associations: improvement in original calculation
  • Template associations: now resolves names of elements/attributes for referenced templates too
  • Added missing style for transaction receive with status pending
  • Scenario viewer: fix against special cases where multiple language attributes are found
  • Allow removing of the last condition in the list so long as there remains one left.
  • Fixed display of attribute/vocabulary/@code in template-editor

2016-07-02 version 1.8.24

  • Improved getting description nodes for languages not found in the project. Now tries to find matching language based on language part of the code first before trying en-US
  • Fixed problem where not all description nodes were serialized
  • Fixed refresh problem and problem after setting status in template and template-mapping
  • Fixed an issue in projects with multilingual dataset names
  • Fixes an issue where you could select the top entry in the list of languages unless you reselected the already selected item or any other item in the list if available

2016-06-28 version 1.8.23

  • Small tweak for LOINC 2.56 db format update, while supporting the older formats
  • Fixed saving empty attributes in creation of new projects
  • Fixed a problem that prevented adding new issues in template-mapping
  • Now maximizes mapped element/attribute names to 40 characters after mapping too
  • Fixed a problem that prevented the issue list from updating after adding a new issue in templates and template-mapping
  • Template example generation
    • Fixed a problem when element with datatype PQ and attribute @value was specified
    • Made the xsi:type generation smarter by picking the parent element value when available
  • Fixed mouse over for language flag in the menu
  • Improved fix for viewing templates from projects that contain languages that are not part of the ART-DECOR core languages. Aligned publication engine and ART for i18n. Now both retrieve exact language if possible, main language (without region) if not, defaultLanguage if given and final fallback to en-US if all else fails.

2016-06-26 version 1.8.22

  • Fixed problem in rare case in getting a dataset concept for edit where more than 1 comment for a given language exists
  • Fix in getting template list: do not create @url|@ident. Just copy if present.
  • Updated representingTemplate//condition check so any empty condition is ok regardless of @conformance='NP'
  • Save-decor-template now supports lock retention
  • Fixed problem in codesystem lists
  • Updated view of template particle names to max 40 + … if applicable
  • Added decor-templates2.xhtml and decor-template-mapping2.xhtml using the old template viewer for fallback

2016-06-17 version 1.8.21

  • Fixed a bug that could occur when an HTTP redirect occurred on an external server call, e.g. In the retrieval of BBRs

2016-06-14 version 1.8.20

  • Terminology
    • New: The DECOR valueSets now support a new attribute ordinal that allows you to specify ordinal values connected to codes. This supports assessment scales such as Glasgow Coma Scale and Apgar Score. Note that HL7 Datatypes Release 1 as found in CDA for example, does not support communication of this attribute. Its use is therefor mostly for documentation and/or import in systems.
    • Improved: The view of valueSets in all relevant places like Datasets, Terminology, Terminology-Mapping and Issues has been updated so levels are more clear
  • Templates
    • Improved: Performance update in viewing templates anywhere in ART. To this end the rendering engine has been replaced with the engine that powers publications. Not only is this many factors faster than before, it is also guaranteed consistent
    • Improved: Templates now support folding of elements and includes. This significantly improves navigability
  • Improved: Editor can now save-and-close/create-and-close as usual or just save/create without closing the window
    • New: Live Runtime Compilation. Project editors may, through the Project form, compile the project at any time during their development cycle to test their drive their definitions. See Live_Runtime_Compile for more information
  • Template-mapping
    • New: You may now trim the template list to only those that belong to the selected transaction (if applicable)
    • New: Now supports parameter selector to initialize the form with a transaction as scope rather than a dataset
  • Datasets
    • Improved: conceptList id algorithm is updated for versioned concepts
  • Transactions
    • New: Concept conditions are now multilingual, text nodes are considered to be in the project default language for backward compatibility
  • Compiled Datasets/Transactions
    • Improved: Added templateDisplayName and templateName to representingTemplate
    • Improved: Introduced implementation/@datatype
  • General
    • Improved: updated the language/user parts of the menu slightly for better behavior on smaller screens
    • New: all relevant forms now support a self link. This allows you to bookmark the exact context of where you are at a given point in time or to send a precise link to a third party. See Copy_artefact_deep_links for more information

2016-06-07 version 1.8.12

  • Datasets: Fixed a problem in setting the lastTranslated value
  • Fixed a problem in compiling projects with double hyphens or trailing hyphens in certains places
  • Fixed a problem in compiling projects for projects that do not have the required <rules/> element

2016-04-21 version 1.8.11

  • Improved performance in retrieving supported browser languages
  • Concept search results are now sorted by name length, then requested prefix (if any) first, then datasetId. It is likely that you want your own projects results first. Original sorting was name length only
  • Fixed a problem where the dataset-navigation could go empty after emptying the search input
  • Added the option to set the project logo
  • Added support for logos with spaces and other less usual characters
  • Adds <switchCreateDocPDF0/> to the default set of parameters when compiling a version
  • Fixed the project properties so you don't get problems in ids when you working in other tabs or the other way around
  • New community ada will add user guest by default
  • Fixed xpaths: <attribute name="root"/> generated xpath with [root=] in it. Now only does this when @value is present.
  • getFullDataset: when multiple xpaths are found: add them all in a separate compartment
  • getMinimumMultiplicity: when condition/@conformance='NP' exists, assume minimum 0 (applies to all places where cardinality is relevant)

2016-04-19 version 1.8.10

  • Prevent access error for user guest to surface in the home form
  • Fixed dataset form initialization problem when conceptEffectiveDate is empty but conceptId is not
  • Made more visual that valueSet display is maximized to 20
  • Logo tweak so the height is reserved before the logo is loaded asynchronously
  • Check exist user display name when user-info.xml has nothing. This supports admin using eXist-db user management instead of ART-DECOR built in
  • Fixed a bug in valueSet retrieval for display in datasets when multiple exist
  • Fixed a bug where projects bound to a non-existent governance group would not surface
  • Fixed a binding that caused inability to save a representingTemplate when @conformance= and @minimuMultiplicity occurred somewhere
  • Fixed a problem when editing a dataset concept with status pending
  • Script changes, additions and adaptations in order to serve well for Instance Fragment Validation IFV and Live Runtime Compile LRC
  • Performance gains in
    • Project form for non-admins
    • Forms that load project info
    • Forms that load the template tree
    • Forms that load the dataset tree
    • Forms that load the valueset tree

2016-03-31 version 1.8.9

  • MyCommunity: moved save/cancel buttons into tabs to be easier to the eye
  • MyCommunity: fixed behavior when prototypes come from reference
  • Template list: fixed language problems on labels when the project language is not in the ART set
  • Template API: Adds dataset name to the output so we have stuff to show in Template2html
  • Scenarios/transactions: now allows keeps selected concept in viewer when opening the editor

2016-03-26 version 1.8.8

  • Datasets: valueDomain/conceptList/concepts now support level and type
  • Terminology/Value set editor: now supports creating a new value set from the conceptList as defined on the in scope concept. This sets up a new value set with as much data as possible (level/type/name), and terminology associations are created upon save
  • Project: support for adding names in new languages.
  • Project: enhanced support for creating an ADA community. If you choose the name ada, the new community is immediately set up with the right prototypes
  • Community: added support for integer datatype (relevant for ADA)
  • Scenarios/transactions: added support for adding/updating a top level template even after the transaction has been pronounced final
  • Scenarios/transactions: now allows intermediate saving of representingTemplates
  • Scenarios/transactions: now allows keeps selected concept in viewer when opening the editor
  • Performance update and alignment in getting valuesets and templates
  • Vast improvement in xpath generation accuracy

2016-03-23 version 1.8.7

  • Performance update for xpath calculations
  • Pre-populate new scenarios/transactions with minimal requirements

2016-03-17 version 1.8.6

  • Improved dataset form initialization so when called for a concept the usage now loads as expected and the whole form loads faster
  • Fixed locking of objects that have associated issues
  • Fixed valueset list sorting. Groups by id not name. Now does proper sorting by displayName

2016-03-09 version 1.8.5

  • Fixed showing a template if possible, even if there is no formal reference in the project (happens when you call a repo template that has associated templates of its own)
  • Fixed a problem in adding a description on an item/desc element
  • Fix for editing a community
  • Refactored layout for uses/used by table of templates
  • Fix for missing codeSystem in value sets when no name could be found
  • Fixed a problem in updating scenario or transaction status
  • Performance improvement when you update value set status
  • Added template/value set id and sync'ed layout for viewer for both
  • Fix for editing communities when multiple by the same name exist
  • Fix for finding duplicate repository value sets when initial scope is the repository and the repository has buildingBlockRepositories configured.

2016-03-01 version 1.8.4

  • Fixed a problem when a hand crafted template contains duplicate element/attribute ids. This would prevent any associations being returned
  • Simplified code in template-mapping form for display of element/attribute names. It now just counts on generated data
  • Fixed problem in finding templates/valuesets when they are connected through an intermediary repository. Example: valuesets or templates connected to a template that you refer to from your project.

2016-02-29 version 1.8.3

  • Fixed a problem in saving a template as version or adaptation when the base template has template associations
  • Fixed a problem with the "classified" template list when a template has multiple classifications. Templates now occur only under their first occurrence of classification

2016-02-23 version 1.8.2

  • Performance: asynchronous loading of projects menu and terminology menu
  • Performance: smarter loading of governance groups behind projects menu
  • Performance: smarter loading of localization messages
  • Fixed a problem in saving new governance groups that prevented adding new groups
  • Fixed a problem in saving value sets

2016-02-23 version 1.8.1

  • Important update. Fixed a problem where upon updating scenario or transaction properties, all transaction concepts would be lost for the whole scenario. This problem was introduced in 1.8.0. We have checked all projects on art-decor.org and decor.nictiz.nl, and have found 1 affected project. This project has been restored.

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • Upon inheriting in a dataset from a repository, now saves terminology bindings and value set references in the project too as needed.
  • Brand new transaction/representingTemplate editor with all the features of the previous one, but now integrated into the scenarios form and with significant performance boost. Now also sports shortcut buttons on concept items for 1..1 R 1..1 M etc.
  • Improved multi lingual name/description translations for project and concepts
  • Project logo's are now supported top right in DECOR centric forms. Need to have the logo in decor/project/reference/@logo, and physically in the prefix-logos/ collection next to the decor file
  • Can now update the id of a template. Relevant when template was created outside of ART-DECOR and needs a specific id
  • New multi lingual LOINC integrated into terminology/value set editor
  • Reimplemented lock management on artifacts with better feedback when someone else has it. Scenarios/transactions/representingTemplates now have lock management too. Locks are now in /db/art-data hence they now survive ART updates
  • Better cruft prevention when things occasionally go south in saving a dataset
  • Performance updates in many areas
  • All buttons have a new fresher look

2016-01-08 version

  • Fixed Exist-db 2.1 related problem when retrieving the project template list (IHE)

2016-01-05 version 1.6.14

  • Performance update in user-settings, user-report, templates, value sets, project-versions, datasets, concepts
  • Performance - hl7 index is pruned from element, and @message is added (for WSDLs)
  • Fixed a problem when saving a template with an associated concept that is not actually associated anywhere
  • Fixed a problem when saving a template where attribute ids where not properly taken into account
  • Fixed a problem in adding fixed text in an HL7 V2.5 template
  • Fixed a problem when compiling with an empty language or with a language that is not in the project name set
  • Moved template example generation code into the template API
    • Added a switch based on template format and added a number of common hl72.5xml cases
    • If no format is given hl7v3xml1 is assumed
  • Add rejected status to node CSS
  • Fixed a bug where retrieval of a specific version of a valueset would also return other versions if they existed.
  • Now preserves order in valueSet with regards to concepts|includes|exceptions when getting raw value set

2015-12-21 version 1.6.13

  • Performance tweaks

2015-12-18 version 1.6.12

  • Performance tweaks

2015-12-14 version 1.6.11

  • Fixed a problem deleting the first transaction group in a scenario or the first transaction in a transaction group
  • Now marks edited items in the tree in italic (datasets and scenarios)
  • Project
    • Now loads latest release by default from the ProjectIndex link instead of live version. This potentially saves a lot of processing

2015-12-10 version 1.6.10

  • More performance tweaks.
  • Fixed a problem in retrieving a template from a release
  • Fixed a problem in getting a value set name for display in various places like datasets
  • Fixes a problem in the display of complex content for scenario/transaction triggers.
  • Fixes a problem when an original concept is not found
  • datasets
    • Don't offer inheritance from a ancestor of the current concept
    • Don't offer inheritance button when the only search results are the concept itself, or any of its ancestors or descendants

2015-12-01 version 1.6.9

  • Performance tweaks. Rewritten a number of statements for efficiency.

2015-11-26 version 1.6.8

  • Datasets
    • When an error message spans more than your screen, you may now press escape to close it.
    • Fixes a bug where multiple dataset names (languages) cause the dataset viewer not to load
  • Datasets/template-mapping/community/issues
    • Now also searches in concept synonyms
  • User management
    • Moved cancel/save up so they don't get lost under long lists
    • Added checks to prevent shooting yourself in the foot by adding someone as decor-admin/issues/editor but without decor group
    • Visual updates so the list of visible users is biggers and handles overflow better

2015-11-23 version 1.6.7

  • Dataset editor
    • Now supports changing the maximum number of concepts that are retrieved when searching for similar concepts (default 50)
    • Now makes all dialogs a modal window since no dialog make sense to bypass
  • Issues
    • Fixed parameter serclosed behavior on issues. The panels would not close
  • Template-mapping
    • Fixed technical problem when project does not have a dataset yet
  • General: adds anti robots header on all pages to avoid loosing performance on those while indexing live contents doesn't actually add anything

2015-11-11 version 1.6.6

  • Transaction editor
    • Fixes a problem in detecting max vs min
    • Performance update

2015-11-03 version 1.6.5

  • Project
    • Fixed a bug in adding namespaces. The default attribute was not set
  • Issues
    • API now supports multiple ids to retrieve details for
  • Scenarios
    • Now allows switching tabs upon load witch ?section=scenarios|actors where scenarios is the default unless you set param actorId=X
  • Scenario editor
    • Implements error summary before being able to save
    • Does not allow non-grouping transactions without actors
    • Fixed a bug where a second actors element was added when you added a first new actor and <actors/> already existed

2015-10-29 version 1.6.4

  • Transaction-editor
    • Now checks if minimum is <= maximum
    • Now checks if minimum is 0 or empty when Optional
    • Now checks if minimum is 1 or up when Mandatory
    • Now reset minimum to 0 when conformance is reset to Optional
    • Now implements error-summary for convenience in finding offending parts and disallows saving while errors are found
  • Template-editor
    • Fix for inability to edit a template when the prototype has seemingly duplicate sibling elements. Extended the duplcate detection logic and enhanced the error output so it is easier to trace the offending elements.

2015-10-27 version 1.6.3

  • New projects
    • Upon installation, the collection 'projects' is created under /db/apps/decor/data where all projects live. This causes there to be at least 1 collection for new projects under decor-admin.
    • Decor-admin will alert you for installed projects (most notably DECOR-examples) so you do not inadvertently create your new projects there and then loose them upon updating the package.
    • Implemented error-summary so you get a nice listing of things to fix before saving is possible
    • Implemented new user selection dialog where only decor-users may be selected for inclusion in a project
    • Added copyright to the list of items to set for new projects
  • Project forms
    • Implemented error-summary so you get a nice listing of things to fix before saving is possible
    • Implemented new user selection dialog where only decor-users may be selected for inclusion in a project
    • Made editing project details and ids mutually exclusive. A change in ids locks the other tabs until cancel/save and vice versa.
  • User settings
    • Implemented error-summary so you get a nice listing of things to fix before saving is possible
  • Scenarios
    • May now delete transactions if there are >1 transactions for. status new or draft. Was only "new".

2015-10-20 version 1.6.2

  • Improved concept search: now shortest match first and better performance
  • Transaction-editor: don't offer recursive min/max settings on cancelled/deprecated/rejected concepts and do not add it when you click such an option on a parent with a normal status
  • Datasets: don't allow deinherit when a parent has inherit
  • Scenarios - IMPORTANT!
    • For new scenarios, no @effectiveDate was written
    • Under certain circumstances there was no valid @id on transactions (group|non groups) and the @id ends in a dot. This triggered a problem in creating new ids after that
    • Update ART package to 1.6.2 or up
    • Go to the scenarios of your project, click Edit on any of them, click Save, no change is necessary. This adds missing @effectiveDates and replaces ids with unique new ones but cannot fix duplicates
    • Check if you already have a duplicate scenario in your project from the project form Development tab "Check DECOR" Look for something like
      There was a problem processing this transaction (possible duplicate @id='X'/@effectiveDate='Y'?) - Actual error:
      /db/apps/art/modules/art-decor.xqm - java:org.exist.xquery.XPathException exerr:ERROR The actual return type does not match the sequence type declared in the function's signature: art:getTransaction(xs:string, xs:string?) element()?. Expected cardinality: zero or one, got 2
    • If this concerns you please contact support

2015-09-22 version 1.6.1

  • Template-editor
    • Fixes bug where attribute @extension was marked with datatype cs instead of st
  • Project, Home, Language-support
    • Updates some minor visual anomalies
  • General
    • Adds missing styles

2015-08-27 version 1.6.0

  • Administrative rename for this release
  • Projects
    • fixed reference to projectindex. Should be external resolvable link: decor-external-exist
    • fixed copyright editing
    • adds decor service Project Index to view
    • adds project @id to view
    • fixes logo upload for Orbeon 4.7
    • will no longer offer buildingBlockRepositories that points to itself. If you manually update a BBR reference so it points to itself, it is skipped in saving.
  • All
    • Improved search performance
    • improved consistency of behavior around locking. will now show who and when everywhere when someone else has a lock
    • (decor-admin only) now allows every lock type to be viewed/removed from project and decor-admin forms
    • fix for missing projects in the DECOR menu when the govenernance group they belong to doesn't exist (anymore/yet) in the configured governance groups)
    • various performance updates by making better index use
    • corrected fall back onto username if full name is empty
  • Datasets concepts general (in issues, scenarios, terminology)
    • improved display name for identifiers when they are not directly branched off a baseId
    • improved display of value domain properties
    • read support for concept/synonym, concept/relationship, concept/property, value domain concept/synonym
  • Datasets
    • fixed bug that prevented adding new concepts when there is more than one base id to choose from
    • no longer saves dataset/relationship/node()
    • improved display of dataset/relationship comparable to concept/relationship
    • adds dataset/desc when missing
    • read/write support for dataset/relationship and dataset/property
    • read/write support for concept/synonym, concept/relationship, concept/property, value domain concept/synonym
    • visual indicator for inherited concepts in the tree so you do not need to view details for that
    • improved display name for identifiers when they are not directly branched off a baseId
    • improved readability of associated codes by indented their displayName
    • fixed problem in display of value domain concept descriptions
    • no longer returns the context concept when searching for similar items
  • Dataset-editor
    • fixed missing existing synonyms on concepts. After save they would be lost
    • in saving items, only save concepts under a conceptList[@id]
    • after deinherit get the right name for the relationship that replaces it
    • now offers a dialog for adding relationships on datasets and concepts
  • Value sets
    • fixed a bug in id assignment when the first id of a certain baseId is created in a project
    • do fully specified name in SNOMED CT hierarchy instead of preferred term
  • Terminology-associations
    • do fully specified name in SNOMED CT hierarchy instead of preferred term
    • fixed deleting terminology associations that lack certain information
    • updated the url logic upon adding a missing buildingBlockRepository to the project. Was localhost and now checks server services url
  • Codesystems
    • removed a few non-functional editing functions as this way of editing codes is to replaced
  • Scenarios
    • fixed behavior when you have added your very first actor
    • added SVG image of the current transaction group if it has at least a transaction of type Initial, is not currently being edited, and if the browser supports SVG. The button that goes to the same image has proven to be overlooked by most users, but is still there too.
    • fixed write support for scenario and transaction version labels
    • enabled write support for the version of a dataset in a transaction
    • fixed marking a scenario or a transaction as 'being edited'
    • visual indicator for inherited concepts in the tree so you do not need to view details for that
  • Templates
    • after searching for repository templates select the first result saving a user click in most cases
    • improved view for deeper paths and long element names
    • improved view on used/used by overview
    • improved link to dataset concepts
    • fixed selector that would never display time in a timestamp in the version selector
    • fixed selection of elements that should not be selectable
    • fixed include card/conf override so it doesn't apply to elements only but also to choice and include
    • upon merging an existing template with its prototype don't add min/max 0..* on choices and includes if wasn't explicitly specified in the first place.
    • now returns datasetEffectiveDate on associations (important for versioning)
    • now returns dataset concept path for includes too
    • allow removal of broken template/@ref
  • Template editor
    • datatypes for @use and @qualifier should be set_cs instead of st / cs respectively
    • can now correctly set/change datatypes for hl7v2.5xml
    • can now correctly add fixed text for hl7v2.5xml
    • can now correctly add vocabulary for hl7v2.5xml
    • can now search value sets in the dialog
    • can now add value set refs in the dialog
    • can now start the value set editor from the value set dialog for creating a new value set
    • fixed a problem in editing certain prototype based templates. The would not open at all due to merge problems
    • improved behavior in calculation of usage
    • improved performance and reliability when the cache doesn't have a template
    • fixed a problem where the choice cardinality was not visible for editing
    • fixed a problem in opening templates for edit that have a prototype with multiple asserts on the same level
    • editor now allows editing vocabulary/@displayName
  • Issue editor
    • fixed view for value set objects. status/version label/contents were missing
    • worked around problem in Orbeon 4.7 where HTML select/label was displayed as-is (raw HTML) when the underlying result set changes. This happened for issue labels after searching and in new assignments
    • replaced fr:select1-button with xforms:select1 in new assignments. This fixes a caching issue where new assignment would appear to have 'remembered' your last setting but did not actually leading to mis-assignments
    • visual tweaks
  • ART-settings
    • adds more info when caching of one or more BBRs fails
  • Governance groups
    • fixes a client error when entering the form (SF#242)
  • Valueset-ids
    • fixes an HTML bug that caused improper rendering of [ref]
  • Governance groups
    • fixed unavailable language selector top right
  • MyCommunity
    • fixed searching
    • added check on prototype/@type so it doesn't allow whitespace (that's what @label does)
    • improved behavior when entering that form without read permission
    • dataset tree no longer expands in full by default (user request)
  • Configuration (admin only)
    • now show which BBRs failed to load when refreshing the BBR cache
  • Orbeon 4.7
    • reversed the Internet Explorer 11 recommendation. Using Orbeon 4.7 one should remove the compatibility mode for ART-DECOR
    • all textareas now have incremental="true" because they do not get picked up otherwise
    • various UI tweaks due different defaults in Orbeon 4.7

2015-08-20 version 1.4.11

  • See version 1.6.0

2015-07-26 version 1.4.10

  • See version 1.6.0

2015-07-15 version 1.4.9

  • See version 1.6.0

2015-07-12 version 1.4.8

  • See version 1.6.0

2015-06-24 version 1.4.7

  • See version 1.6.0

2015-06-17 version 1.4.6

  • Datasets
    • Fixes a bug when adding inherit on the first concept in a dataset
    • Fixes a bug in inherit where the inherit/@ref is not handled
    • Fixes a performance problem in saving a dataset
  • Value set editor / terminology
    • SNOMED CT: adds F, P, S before every term, not just in the main result table
    • SNOMED CT: adds support for display of preferred terms
  • Decor-admin
    • Dataset and Dataset/concept on new projects are now created with status draft instead of new.
    • Dataset/concept is now created as item instead of group
  • Terminology by default no longer offers cancelled|obsolete|deprecated concepts.
  • Transaction editor by default no longer offers cancelled|obsolete|deprecated concepts. They are not hidden when added to the transaction

2015-06-10 version 1.4.5

  • Can now delete terminology associations with incomplete contents
  • Improved transaction cardinality for concept usage when there's a condition

2015-06-06 version 1.4.4

  • Fixed problem where editing a concept with a conceptList that references another conceptList would lead to a "Exception in client-side code"

2015-05-12 version 1.4.3

  • Scenarios now allows for sending parameter actorId to switch over to the tab for actors upon loading.
  • Fixes scenarios group around dataset that prevents display when there's nothing to show.

2015-04-30 version 1.4.2

  • Fix for a dataset form problem when clicking Edit on a concept that inherits AND has valueDomain of type 'code' or 'ordinal')

2015-04-02 version 1.4.1

  • Performance updates in all DECOR related areas

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • New feature: governance groups. Read more in Dealing with Governance Groups
  • New feature: server ids. Read more in ART_maintenance_manual
  • New feature: filter inactive concepts in dataset view
  • New feature: import a connected value set in a dataset to allow adding custom names and descriptions
  • New feature: view a connected value set in a dataset without leaving the page
  • Enhancement: DECOR project form now allows editing the default namespace and add new ones
  • Enhancement: associating templates with dataset items may now be done based on attributes. Elements was already supported.
  • Enhancement: template editor and viewer now support element/@strength. Read more in DECOR-rules
  • Enhancements in template-editor: can now start from empty template instead of from a prototype, can now add new items above top level item, can now add attributes/elements other than the datatype supports (normally relevant for (CDA) extensions), example generation improved for templates without a single top level element, add/remove datatype declarations and more
  • New feature: projects may now be marked experimental
  • Performance improvements in various areas like searching, viewing, compiling, building releases etc.

2015-03-26 version 1.2.31

  • Templates: relationships are now attributed to the correct source project/bbr
  • Template editor:
    • Attributes from prototypes are now built comparably to the focus template attributes
    • Default for min/max is now so they are not added inadvertently after save
    • Doesn't instantiate conf/mand on choices anymore
    • All vocabulary is now instantiated the same way
    • Template-editor now loads even load when minimumMultiplicity is not a number (e.g. empty)
  • Issues: do not apply any other filter when searching by id

2015-03-25 version 1.2.30

  • Fixed a problem where templates with explicit classification/@type='notype' were skipped in the list
  • Templates: attribute normalization now takes defensive approach instead of opportunistic approach. Only supported attributes are saved during normalization. This prevents new attibrutes from being rewritten the wrong way (e.g. @id)
  • Templates: small performance optimization in retrieval of cached templates
  • Templates: more reliable marking of missing valueSets in edit mode
  • Templates: added retrieve/save for element/@strength (moved from vocabulary element)
  • Templates: adds toplevel element around every existing and new examples without one upon edit so the result is well formed -- cannot save otherwise
  • Fixes a path bug in reindex
  • Fixed warning "org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId."

2015-03-23 version 1.2.29

  • Bug fix in reindex.
  • Fixed exist-db warnings: 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId'

2015-03-19 version 1.2.28

  • Compilation for publication now includes value sets that are bound through templates but do not have a valueSet[@ref] in the project. This frequently happens in template[@ref] situations.
  • Bug fix: editing value sets now also offers editing completeCodeSystem

2015-03-16 version 1.2.27

  • Issues:
    • Implemented configurable max result set for the issue list and set the max to be 75 rather than 50.
    • Did not make the max result set UI configurable (yet)
    • Made sorting by date descending rather than ascending
    • Made the default sorting column "date" rather than "id"
  • Fixed rather severe issue in calculating value sets for getFullConcept [impacts RetrieveTransaction / and compiled releases]. If multiple versions exist, and @flexibility was not specified, the first of the result set was picked leading to the oldest. The function vs:getExpandedValueSetByRef will by design return *all* value sets without @flexibility. If you actually want the latest, you should supply 'dynamic'. Now when @flexibility is missing, 'dynamic' is substituted.

2015-03-11 version 1.2.26

  • Internet Explorer 11 tweaks. Now points to compatibility mode for first aid, but this is really patch work

2015-03-06 version 1.2.25

  • Templates: fixed problem in determining the correct status for included templates and vocabulary references.
  • Templates: fixed problem in finding linked concepts for included templates

2015-03-06 version 1.2.24

  • Fixed performance problems on the issue list.

2015-02-19 version 1.2.23

  • Significant improvements in loading issues. Adds missing indexes and optimizes queries.

2015-02-04 version 1.2.22

  • Template-editor
    • Adds root|value|representation to the list of default HL7 attributes
    • Fixes problem when adding a new attribute before changing selection. Now adds top in list as expected

2015-02-02 version 1.2.21

  • Templates: after removing every element/attribute in a template, restore merge with prototype upon reopen for edit
  • Value sets: fix a bug in usage calculation that prevented static binding in templates to be recognized when value set was newest version
  • Value sets: fixed display bug where both localized and un-localized string for Static would pop up.
  • Datasets: serialize inherited comments and concepList/concept descriptions too.

2015-01-26 version 1.2.20

  • Templates: Fixed display bug in examples, assert, report
  • Templates: Fixed display of RetrieveTemplate service
  • HTML: replaced locally downloaded RetrieveTransaction with link

2015-01-20 version 1.2.19

  • Fixes search for inherited items
  • Fixed problem introduced when solving bug for parsing examples, but where the contents are not valid xml but just text which is legal.
  • Fixed saving assert/report text
  • Fixed retrieval of assert/report/let/defineVariable for view

2015-01-15 version 1.2.18

  • Bugfix: datasets: fixed a bug that prevented display of a group to-be-inherited

2015-01-13 version 1.2.17

  • Bugfix: parse template example as xml, not html
  • Bugfix: save template report as report, not assert
  • Bugfix: menu entry for reference sets now builds correctly

2015-01-13 version 1.2.16

  • Menu entry for reference sets now builds correctly
  • Value set api fixed for released versions in multiple languages
  • Small governance groups fix for multiple languages
  • Reversed order in decor menu. Governance groups first, then the rest

2014-12-22 version 1.2.15

  • Concept search: Add name to search result when searching by id and target is inherited

2014-12-10 version 1.2.14

  • Add new variable $get:strDecorServices to support DECOR services 1.2.3

2014-12-08 version 1.2.13

  • Datasets: Removed Delete button from treeview
  • Datasets: Fixed error when clicking a concept in the diagog with treeview of a similar group

2014-12-01 version 1.2.12

  • Template viewer now has button "Set status to cancelled"
  • Dataset description is now in an accordeon to keep focus on dataset contents

unified procedure. Having two caused maintenance issues. Having one solves that with little added complexity.

  • Template editor: new templates now respect default base id better
  • Template editor: Now retains element/@id if available which is useful for mode version/adapt
  • Template editor: Fixes bug for attributes in building merged templates that caused @originalOpt to go missing
  • Template editor: Adds missing support for conformance C
  • Template editor: rolled creating templates (new/version/adapt) and saving templates into 1 unified procedure. Having two caused maintenance issues. Having one solves that with little added complexity.

2014-11-23 version 1.2.11

  • Don't offer to add id's when the template is a referenced template
  • Fixed creation of template associations on referenced templates [SF#208]
  • Template editor: upon retrieval of prototypes check cache first [SF#207]

2014-11-22 version 1.2.10

  • Datasets/scenarios/terminology/home: performance updates by loading usage and issues asynchronously and displaying … while loading. This does not interfere with core functionality and lets the user switch context a lot faster.
  • Templates that need to come from a different server no longer gives an error when retrieval fails. They just turn up empty
  • Template prototype list now has templates listed on first classification only (was "all")
  • Datasets: now saves inherit to original concept only. For the top level this was already covered by returning original concepts only as similar items, but for groups with inheritance at lower levels this check was bypassed. Now checks at every upon save
  • Datasets: saving now keeps concept/@officialReleaseDate if present (ART doesn't support view or edit yet)
  • RetrieveTransaction/RetrieveDataset shortName: replace '?' with 'q', names occur quitre often with and without '?' in datasets, i.e. 'Auto-immuun aandoening?' and 'Auto-immuun aandoening'
  • art-decor.xqm: removed unused function art:prepareConceptForStore

2014-11-18 version 1.2.9

  • Dataset editor: Fixes an eternal loop situation upon inheriting a group

2014-11-18 version 1.2.8

  • ClaML based terminologies are now parsed better for their names
  • Orbeon 4.x fixes: explicitly cast to xs:date or xs:dateTime, variable scoping problem fixed in menu builder, css updates, etc.
  • Template editor: now respects the default base id for templates better

2014-11-17 version 1.2.7

  • Template editor: Now retains element/@id if available which is useful for mode version/adapt
  • Template editor: Fixes bug for attributes in building merged templates that caused @originalOpt to go missing
  • Template editor: Adds missing support for conformance C

2014-11-11 version 1.2.6

  • Improved attributes on concept-usage so the usage views have better underlying data.
  • RetrieveTransaction: fix for useLocalAssets and the link on value sets

2014-11-10 version 1.2.5

  • Updated all views where cardinality/conformance is shown. NP overrides cardinality, mandatory overrides required
  • Updated Dutch translations for conformance Required and Mandatory
  • Project now only lists status for releases, not for versions

2014-11-09 version 1.2.4

  • Valueset viewer: improved sorting by checking displayName first and name second
  • Valueset viewer: added error message when valueset-list retrieval fails
  • Dataset viewer: no longer shows similar concepts after searching, but only in edit mode
  • Dataset viewer: fixed finding the object by excluding issues
  • Issues: fixed searching for objects after update in search-api
  • Datasets now come up sorted on effectiveDate (descending) and newest is picked rather than latest/final (datasets, community, template-mapping, terminology)

2014-11-08 version 1.2.3

2014-11-06 version 1.2.2

  • Database: restored index on decor/core as it caused the template editor to break
  • Template viewer: Fixed a bug in rendering >1 "text" elements that caused failure to display at all
  • Value set viewer: usage now comes up reliably when asked for a specific version

2014-11-05 version 1.2.1

  • Template editor removed check on max >= min as in some cases this would be triggered in error leaving the user without option to save.
  • Performance updates. Split decor indexes into 3 parts (cache, data, releases).
  • Expanded template retrieval now correctly resolves non-local includes
  • Transaction editor: fixed logo and menu

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • Moved user-settings from home to a separate page. Click on your name after login to get there
  • Improved display of concept usage when usage occurs in a dataset. Now includes the path to occurrences
  • Dataset editor now includes support for de-referencing conceptLists while preserving terminology associations (referencing a conceptList was never supported through ART but is possible in the DECOR format)
  • Dataset editor now implements the full status machine. Upon applying a new status you may apply that recursively to all child concepts with the same status.
  • Dataset editor now only allows inheriting full groups and no longer lets you choose. Even after inheriting it is no longer possible to move other concepts into it as long as you do no deinherit the group.
  • Scenario editor now implements the full status machine. Upon applying a new status you may apply that recursively to all child concepts with the same status.
  • Scenario viewer/editor now allows filtering on dataset
  • Transaction representing templates now have concept usage the concept details
  • All template lists are now harmonized and display based on classification first and with proper status icons. Note that this may mean that a template occurs multiple times in the list if multiple classifications exist
  • You may now refresh the list of value sets from terminology to create a new binding rather than refreshing the page
  • Template editor no longer allows saving when you define an attribute twice
  • Value set editor and Terminology association now support status on concepts that come from ClaML. ClaML doesn't support status directly, but Meta key name='statusCode' server that purpose in ART-DECOR. Current terminologies contain active concepts only, but given a use case this may now be different in new terminologies.
  • Issues with status feedback are now by default in the initial list
  • Extended language support / customization for administrators
    • Edits made in ART (language-support) are preserved between package updates. You can see which ones you have edited locally and revert to the default version
    • You may now add new languages
    • Language support adds support for menu items
    • ART server-settings now includes switch for custom menu file and adding your own logo
    • Updated ART_maintenance_manual with explanation for these features
  • Preparations for migration to latest Orbeon version. Type casting on null for xs:dateTime is now prevented

2014-10-20 version 1.0.36

  • Dataset editor now allows inheriting from both local and repository concepts
  • patched ART variables (/modules/art-decor-settings.xqm) used from XIS:
    • Added string variable to CDA stylesheet

2014-10-16 version 1.0.35

  • patched ART variables (/modules/art-decor-settings.xqm) used from XIS:
    • Updated setting $get:strXisData to concat($get:root,'/xis-data') to align with all other *Data variables
    • Added former string under $get:strXisData as $get:strXisHelperConfig concat($get:strXisData,'/data')

2014-10-14 version 1.0.34

  • Template editor: now supports adding elements/attributes "before" the selected item

2014-09-24 version 1.0.33

  • Fixed dataset edit bug that could cause inadvertent deletion of concepts upon Cancel of editing

2014-09-23 version 1.0.32

  • Fixed a bug in adding data element objects to an issue which caused ignore of selected dataset

2014-09-22 version 1.0.31

  • Terminology adds refresh of value set list to get new value sets without refreshing the full page

2014-09-17 version 1.0.30

  • Added missing function local:getOriginalConcept

2014-09-15 version 1.0.29

  • Fixed a number of concept search problems in the search api. Total count was off, prefix not totally respected
  • Added path of a concept in the dataset to the output of the search api function
  • Added generated path of the concept to the search drop down of mycommunity/dataset/terminology forms
  • Added generated path of the concept to the similar concepts on the datasets form
  • Added generated path of the concept to the concepts on the issues form when adding a concept as object

2014-09-15 version 1.0.28

  • Made display of concepts usage more useful when usage is in datasets by adding the path to the view in place of the dataset effective date.

2014-09-08 version 1.0.27

  • Fixed language drop down for projects with one or more languages not in the ART package
  • Interface tweaks in project creation (decor-admin)

2014-09-05 version 1.0.26

  • Fixed bug when switching an existing concept from any other type to code or ordinal would not give you a concept list to expand

2014-09-05 version 1.0.25

  • Fixed logo lookup. The logo may be retrieved dynamically upon page load (e.g. ClaML). The xsls however assumed that the logo would be hard coded in the form.
  • Added styles for issue status

2014-08-28 version 1.0.24

  • Bugfix in handling of issues labels when selected on issues form. Now any match is returned not just exact match

2014-08-27 version 1.0.23

  • Upon saving an edited valueSet, don't save @projectPrefix

2014-08-27 version 1.0.22

  • Adds status 'feedback' to the default list of selected statuses on issues form

DECOR core files

DECOR-core contains definitions for the DECOR format in XSD, transformations that produce HTML/Schematron/Wiki etc.

2017-04-25 version 1.8.30

  • DECOR.xsd
    • Improved choice min/max checking
    • Moved a number of unique checks from schematron to schema (performance).
    • Fixed for inherited concepts checks in compilations
    • Improved include min/max/conf/mandatory checks -- now includes a check for conformance / isMandatory. If the referred template has @conformance='NP', you cannot override that with @conformance[not(.='NP')] or @isMandatory[.='true']. Likewise you cannot override @isMandatory='true' in the referred template with @conformance[. = ('C', 'NP')] or @isMandatory='false'
    • Improved min/isMandatory checks when conformance='NP'
    • Added compilation attribute dataset/@iddisplay
  • DECOR2html
    • Fixed valueset footers links to other format
    • Now creates folding for large (>200 characters) template descriptions leaving more room for viewing contents in forms such as template-associations
  • DECOR2svg
    • Implemented fallback to the first name in all places where there is no defaultLanguage name
  • Added localization to decor-parameter.xsd documentation (at least the ones visible in the project form dialog)

2017-04-02 version 1.8.29

  • DECOR_Tr1.xsl: Added ANY support and fixed AD, AD.NL and IVL support
  • DECOR.xsd: Corrected a number of schematron checks for versioned datasets/concepts
  • Minor preparations for FHIR enabled projects

2017-03-26 version 1.8.28

  • Changed license, see also https://art-decor.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Overview_Licenses
  • DECOR.xsd
    • Fixed schematron warning for deprecated/cancelled concepts in transactions
    • Added warning against duplicate baseId/@prefix values
    • Fixes a lingering problem with the context/@path definition. / and // are not valid xs:anyURI
    • Introducing purpose and copyright for templates and valueSets to fit Normative Version of HL7 Templates Standard: Specification and Use of Reusable Information Constraint Templates, Release 1
    • Fix for compilation attributes unjustified errors.
    • Added support for language code without country/region on valueSet/conceptList/*/designation/@language. There and only there. This allows the import of additional SNOMED CT designations that do not have country/region codes by default.
    • Give a warning on context-less template definitions
    • Fix for SF#292: when a top level template (e.g. ClinicalDocument) does not have a template/content defined, assume path '//'
    • Relax error message for reference URL if there is no url
  • DECOR2schematron
    • Now supports partial publications
    • Implemented support for templateId[@root][@extension] which is the new thing for C-CDA-. If @extension is a required attribute then it will be used for validation
    • Updated support for mismatches between template/context/@id and the requested templateId(s). If a mismatch is found, then this is reported. For validation the actual templateId elements are used regardless of the template/@id
    • updated the whole stack for template recursion resilience. Distinguishing between nesting level and recursion level, handle that properly; max nesting is now 30 and max recursion is now 3.
    • Updated instance2schematron.xml logic. Now it doesn't just trust that the template called from representingTemplate actually is a template that defines a templateId, but instead ventures into it to find out. No also supports templateId[@root][@extension] constructs and even ventures up to 1 layer into the toplevel template in case of a choice and gets root elements and templateId from there.
    • Updated instance2schematron.xml with version decription or release note to the manifest
    • Fixed a problem with defaultInstances when there is no dataset
    • Fixed a problem with defaultInstances for the link to the rules tab
  • DECOR2html
    • Adds hints to the project properties just like in ART
    • Updated layout of the project tab to align better with ART and to add ProjectIndex to the list of properties
  • coreschematrons
    • Added xs prefix declaration to coreschematron that use it
    • Updated RTO_PQ_PQ to support nullFlavor on denominator XOR nominator

2017-01-10 version 1.8.27

  • Added support for partial publications using ADRAM. You may now explicitly publish one more more transactions for example. Associated datasets, templates and value sets are published automatically too
  • Improved rendering of references to repository artifacts
  • Now uses treetable rendering by default
  • Various PDF publishing and printing improvements
  • Introducing new parameter switchCreateSchematronClosedString; corrections on development xquery, closed accepted by Live Runtime Compile
  • Cardinality check improvements
  • Better layout for check decor
  • adding new layout of validation ouput to Life Runtime Compile LRC in XIS
  • adding new icons
  • adding at least on @see to datatype core schematrons
  • Add JSON, SQL and SVS links for ValueSets in HTML
  • DECOR.xsd / DECOR-datatypes.xsd
    • Adjusted copyright years to support "20nn-" to mean "20nn to present". This saves the quite boring hassle of updating the copyrights year after year
    • Changed restriction type from xs:token to xs:string for MimeType, Oid, Uuid, OidChoiceList, NonEmptyString, CollapsedPackageId. With xs:token leading and trailing spaces are allowed which is unintended and leaves many typos hard to detect. This may lead to seemingly new errors in your project

2016-11-10 version 1.8.26

  • DECOR.xsd
    • Adds ability to specify a type on project copyright holders. Default is 'author'
  • Publications
    • Added versionLabel default to view on scenarios tab while hiding by default the column for model
    • Added dataset/@versionLabel to the view where relevant
    • Fixed initialization of collapsed contents
    • XHTML compliancy improvements

2016-10-10 version 1.8.25

  • DECOR2schematron
    • Now includes closed logic for nested includes and choices
  • DECOR2html
    • Applied foldable behavior to terminology tab
    • Terminology tab no longer renders as 1 huge page, but now is an index comparable to template with links to each valueSet
    • Applied foldable behavior to valueSets rendering
    • Aligned template and valueSet metadata rendering
  • DECOR.xsd
    • buildingBlockRepository/@format now has proper values (default was and is 'decor')
    • buildingBlockRepository/@ident is now only required when format is 'decor'
    • valueSet/conceptList/concept and valueSet/conceptList/exception now support designation elements just like ids/id does
    • issue/tracking and issue/assignment now support multiple author elements and each author element may now carry @effectiveDate so you can track when an author changed something
    • Various enumeration values now have xforms labels

2016-07-11 version 1.8.24

  • Added Dutch import of DTr2 PIVL_TS for frequency in dosage instructions

2016-06-26 version 1.8.23

  • Fixed Content-Type encoding UTF-8 as utf-8
  • Fixed a problem in generating schematron for datatypes in a different namespace
  • Fixed display bug in processing attributes that appear as top level in a template
  • Fixed a problem that would cause RetrieveTemplate to fail loading templates when collapsible=true on certain servers
  • Added @language to the list of attributes to consider for merging of templates
  • Added icons to assets
  • Fixes a rendering problem where RetrieveTemplate would display duplicate attributes, constraints, and properties
  • Corrected link for vocabulary href rendering in templates
  • Show at least ids of non retrievable value sets

2016-06-23 version 1.8.22

  • Fixed a problem that would cause RetrieveTemplate to fail loading templates when collapsible=true on certain servers

2016-06-17 version 1.8.21

  • Fixed a problem where value sets where not linked in template HTML when called from ART

2016-06-14 version 1.8.20

  • Major overhaul to support context switching between calls from ART and publications in the schematron and HTML engines
  • New: datatype flavor BXIT_IVL_PQ
  • New: datatype flavor TS.CH.TZ
  • New: implemented valueSet/conceptList/(concept|exception)/@ordinal to support structured recording of ordinal values in for example assessment scales. HL7 Datatypes Release 1 does not support transmission. HL7 Datatypes Release 2 does. Whether or not HL7 supports it is less relevant than being able to record that information as meta. The alternative to date was to bury that information in the concept|exception description
  • New: added support for multilingual condition elements in a transaction. Both text nodes and desc nodes are processed. Saving a transaction updates to new format
  • New: SVG creation now supports stationary transactions
  • Improved: HTML localizable title on status images
  • Improved: HTML localizable title on transaction direction images
  • Improved: nullFlavor handling in HTML views and schematron. Schematron will now accept any nullFlavor if valueSet doesn't define any and conformance is not mandatory, e.g. required/optional. If however the valueSet defines nullFlavor it these considered are the only valid nullFlavor, again unless mandatory. If mandatory no nullFlavors are allowed. Before all nullFlavors were accepted when not mandatory.
  • Improved: SVG creation now more accurate finds Actor box width
  • Under-the-hood:
    • Consolidated filename creation for publication files
    • Consolidated link creation into 1 function that supports context switching (ART, publication)
    • Consolidated min/max/conformance determination for all places where applicable
    • Performance updates in HTML creation
    • Improved label creation based on DECOR schema
  • Update: jQuery treatable update from 3.0.1 to 3.2.0

2016-04-30 version 1.8.3

  • Circumvented a problem when someone uses the default schematron.com SVRL/Text implementations. These contain a bug when processing a <name path="..."/> construct and thus will fail to process closed logic schematrons that use this. This is now circumvented by rewriting the statement to the equivalent <value-of select="name(..)"/>. The issue was brought forward through Tony Schaller related to eHealth Connector

2016-04-10 version 1.8.2

  • Coreschematrons: enhanced IVL* nullFlavor checking
  • Extended ADA options to include overriding configured valueDomain/@type
  • New parameters for DECOR2schematron
    • switchCreateTreeTableHtml - default 'false'. If 'true' enables foldable templates
    • Script changes, additions and adaptations in order to serve well for Instance Fragment Validation IFV and Live Runtime Compile LRC
      • outputBaseUriPrefix - base output prefix if any, must end on "/" or empty on "relative" outputs
      • scriptBaseUriPrefix - base uri to script (xsl) if any, must end on "/" or empty on "automatic" uri to scripts
  • Schematron now includes new phases for more fine grained control. Includes separate phases for closed logic checking
  • Template2html various xhtml fixes
  • Various styling updates to support new features and tweaks to others.

2016-03-26 version 1.8.1

  • DECOR.xsd added support dataset valueDomain concepts level and type
  • Supported datatypes: added support for PN.NL
  • Added support for folding in templates

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • Fixed a bug where IVL/width was declared with another datatype than the correct PQ datatype
  • Publications/schematron engine
    • Improved namespace handling
    • Improved predicate generation for path without a templateId
    • Introduced parameter to do server call for dynamic value set bindings instead of a frozen local copy "bindingBehavior@valueSets='preserve'"
    • Introduced parameter for PDF generation "switchCreateDocPDF"
    • Improved performance of publications by rewriting the id generation
    • Improved closed path checking by not checking path //
    • Improved transaction group SVG generation by being more resilient against various combinations of senders/receivers

2015-08-27 version 1.6.0

  • Administrative rename for this release
  • DECOR2schematron
    • Major update for versioned datasets and dataset concepts
    • Tweaks in dataset overview view
    • Improved SVG / Wiki output
    • Improved schematron engine in case of circular references
    • Numerous smaller improvements
    • DTr1_CD: Disabled RIM-001 check from IHE as it was too broad for all use cases
    • DTr1_URL.NL.EXTENDED: Allow for x-hl7-applicatie with >= 1 digit instead of >1
    • Restyled zoomin/zoomout images
  • DECORmycommunity.xsd
    • Allows common practise of HTML markup in association definitions
    • Allows a flexibility on referenced concepts (versioning reasons)
  • DECOR.xsd
    • Implemented some SQF fixes for common problem
    • Relaxed schematron in a number of cases to allow focus on what really important. E.g. do not check under cancelled|deprecated items
    • Added all elements and attributes that are required to validate compiled DECOR files
    • Added dataset and dataset concept relationships and property elements
    • Added preparation for @effectiveDate versioned datasets and dataset concept (was: @id based)

2015-07-28 version 1.4.2

  • See version 1.6.0

2015-04-04 version 1.4.1

  • Copyright 2015. Either updated the year only or the full statement.
  • DECOR2schematron
    • controlAct-wrapper.NL: Updated schematron error/warning text at request of VZVZ
    • DTr1_URL: Commented out the distinct check on telecom/@use which is simply a false assertion
    • Add HTML element/@strength support

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • Schematron engine enhancements
    • Enhanced attribute support to include rid and uid (oid, uuid, ruid, guid)
    • Enhanced support for template top level attribute, let, defineVariable, assert, report
    • Enhanced support for nested includes
  • HL7 V2.5.xml support completed

2015-01-26 version 1.2.10

  • Templates: Fixed display of RetrieveTemplate service
  • HTML: replaced locally downloaded RetrieveTransaction with link

2015-01-18 version 1.2.9

  • Fixed namespace problem preventing renderings of RetrieveTemplate service

2015-01-06 version 1.2.8

  • coreschematron ANY: Allow datatype ANY with nullFlavor OTH and (new: additionally) NA to have originalText elements as a child
  • DECOR.xsd/DECOR2html/DECOR2wiki: Now adds support for governance groups
  • Changed default publishing format from HTML 4.0 to XHTML 1.1
  • Various improvements in links in publication

2014-12-01 version 1.2.7

  • DECOR.xsd schematron fixes for template associations on referenced templates.
  • DECOR2html/Template2html: Fixed small problems in Template metadata display in html

2014-11-23 version 1.2.6

  • DECOR.xsd schematron fixes for template associations on referenced templates.
  • Added schematron check for template relationship @model + @type='DRIV'
  • Fixed schematron when checking required attributes. These checks were not generated.
  • Changed check for required attributes. No longer checks length >0. This duplicates the check based on datatype which is a waste of resources.
  • Fixed somewhat misleading error text when a code doesn't match the defined value
  • Fixed error in schematron creation for attributes of type 'ts'
  • Updated Dutch translations for conformance Required and Mandatory
  • Improved issues.html so links to details are more obvious
  • Fixed bug in schematron engine that generated illegal expressions for checking datatypes oid and uuid
  • Updated for German in DECOR.xsd and i18n file for HTML and schematron
  • Improved rendering of examples in DECOR2html
  • Improved rendering of contained template cardinality in DECOR2html
  • HTML/Schematron predication improved for templates with >1 templateId. No longer assumes " or ", but now assumes " and ". Note that only templateId elements with @minimumMultiplicity > 0 were/are considered

2014-11-18 version 1.2.5

  • Added schematron check for template relationship @model + @type='DRIV'
  • Fixed schematron when checking required attributes. These checks were not generated.

2014-11-12 version 1.2.4

  • Changed check for required attributes. No longer checks length >0. This duplicates the check based on datatype which is a waste of resources.
  • Fixed somewhat misleading error text when a code doesn't match the defined value
  • Fixed error in schematron creation for attributes of type 'ts'

2014-11-10 version 1.2.3

  • Updated Dutch translations for conformance Required and Mandatory

2014-11-09 version 1.2.2

  • Improved issues.html so links to details are more obvious

2014-11-08 version 1.2.1

  • Fixed bug in schematron engine that generated illegal expressions for checking datatypes oid and uuid

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • DECOR definition updated
    • @code may now be 128 characters, was 64 but proved too small for SNOMED-CT expressions
    • @codeSystem may no longer be 'nullFlavor' but shall be OID
    • Templates DSTU update: statuses 'inactive' and 'update' are no longer supported
    • various schematron rules have been relaxed to only fire on places that are draft/new you may actually still fix them
  • Schematron and HTML publication engine improvements for referenced templates, prohibited attributes, and codeSystemName
  • Language updates for HTML / Schematron

2014-09-22 version 1.0.5

  • Fixes a bug that prevented templateAssociations to be displayed in HTML publications

DECOR example files

DECOR example files

2017-01-10 version 1.8.22

  • A few corrections for our demo1
  • Corrected example demo3 due to IHE Gazelle ObjectsChecker Base Standards Validation

2016-12-14 version 1.8.21

  • Use new ART-DECOR logo for demos and sandboxes

2016-06-20 version 1.8.20

  • Mostly administrative update to 1.8.20

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • Updated copyrights to 2016

2015-08-27 version 1.6.0

  • Administrative rename for this release
  • Added governance group link to "ART-DECOR"
  • Fixed OIDs in demo1-

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • Activated the new @experimental flag

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • Administrative rename

2014-10-29 version 1.0.7

  • Fixed missing conceptLists in the demo5 dataset

2014-10-10 version 1.0.6

  • Fixed a problem in publishing demo5 (missing restURIs)
  • Added missing name in en-US for the dataset in demo5
  • Added missing terminology association in demo1
  • Fixed English displayName on concept in demo1

DECOR services

REST services for DECOR

2017-02-02 version 1.8.29

  • RetrieveValueSet now uses the stable transforms instead of the nightly build transforms

2017-01-10 version 1.8.28

  • RetrieveTransaction
    • Patch in templ:getTemplateChain so it only returns new templates in the chain -- this severely impacts response times for compilation of larger projects
    • Patch in compile for inadvertent leading/trailing spaces in OIDs which was possible due to a problem in the DECOR.xsd definition. Now removed those spaces before trying to find a name
    • Now supports a download button
    • Fixed text display for transaction conditions
  • RetrieveTransactionGroupDiagram (was: GetImage)
    • Renamed to RetrieveTransactionGroupDiagram to better reflect its purpose. Note that calls to GetImage will continue to work
    • Now supports statusCode based filtering
  • RetrieveValueSet
    • Now supports necessary tweaks to render value sets for ART and has aligned metadata rendering with templates.
    • Added support for designations on concepts and exceptions in valueSets
    • Fixed download extension for json. (was .sql)
    • Extended support in json to include desc, completeCodeSystem, concept/desc and exception
    • Added FHIR ValueSet id, expansion.identifier
    • Added JSON, SQL, SQL, IHE SVS, FHIR XML (STU2) to the links in the header of HTML view.

2016-11-10 version 1.8.27

  • RetrieveCode
    • Now checks codesystems as well as valuesets and provides more feedback
  • OIDIndex
    • Fixed search behavior, especially by ID
  • RetrieveOID
    • Added legend lines for abbreviations in use in the OID registry
  • RetrieveTransaction
    • Rearrange of mapping column and hide by default
    • Improved rendering of multiple valueSet bindings
    • Reactivated explicit indents on download for Excel import
    • Fixed ProjectLogo service link for downloads
    • Performance bumps
  • RetrieveTemplate
    • Switched the default value for html param collapsable to true()
    • RetrieveTemplate retrieve templates in the requested language if the requested language is part of the configured set in the project. Use project defaultLanguage otherwise.
  • Statistics
    • Added links and special list filters for statistics
    • Added sort by id
  • ValidateCode (new)
    • Takes valueSet id/effectiveDate and code/codeSystem and returns concept/exception/completeSystem that matches. No return means does not match, if exception is returned when you expected concept or the other way around you might have an error to deal with.
  • IssueIndex (new)
    • Let's you search and list issues just like ART does. Goes back to ART for display, but allows XML retrieval too.
  • Various
    • Fixed certain i18n strings

2016-09-04 version 1.8.26

  • Fix for drawing stationary transactions on top on eachother when they occur in the same transaction group
  • CompareArtefacts
    • Ignore development signatures in release tree if determining versions
  • ProjectIndex/DataSetIndex/TransactionIndex now support a diagram column for live and releases
  • RetrieveConcept
    • New service that basically leverages RetrieveTransaction to retrieve a dataset or transaction trimmed down to an arbitrary concept level. See documentation
  • RetrieveConceptDiagram
    • now supports releases through the version parameter
  • RetrieveOID
  • Changed NamingSystem id algorithm for better consistency with ValueSet upon FHIR retrieval
  • RetrieveProject
    • Adds language to filename comparable to regular result after release
  • RetrieveTemplate
    • Sort OIDs in used/used by list
  • RetrieveTemplateDiagram
    • Fix for recursive templates. Now diplays the first of a recursion tree in darker pink. Could be improved upon but at least doesn't crash
  • RetrieveTransaction:
    • Fixed order of Mapping column contents

2016-07-14 version 1.8.25

  • Fixes a problem with paths to ProjectLogo, Template2StructureDefinition, and Statistics
  • Fixes for projects in non-core-ART-languages. Aligned publication engine and ART for i18n. Now both retrieve exact language if possible, main language (without region) if not, defaultLanguage if given and final fallback to en-US if all else fails.
  • RetrieveValueSet
    • Fixed download extension for json. (was .sql)
    • Extended support in json to include desc, completeCodeSystem, concept/desc and exception
    • Added FHIR XML (STU2) support as export format
    • Added JSON, SQL, SQL, IHE SVS, FHIR XML (STU2) to the links in the header of HTML view.

2016-06-27 version 1.8.24

  • RetrieveArtefact4Wiki service: xquery memory limit set to 3000000 for large governance groups
  • RetrieveTemplate: fix for non-rendering templates. This turned out to be a language issue when the calling language is not in the default set of 3
  • RetrieveTransaction: Fixed problem in new mapping column
  • RetrieveTemplateDiagram: Set default for effectiveDate 'dynamic' which gets the latest version
  • RetrieveTemplateDiagram: Fixed error when there are multiple instances of the template nonetheless

2016-06-23 version 1.8.23

  • Fixed a problem that would cause RetrieveTemplate to fail loading templates when collapsible=true on certain servers

2016-06-19 version 1.8.22

  • Fixes a problem in getting contents when there's no template
  • Fixes a path problem for a number of images on certain servers.

2016-06-17 version 1.8.21

  • Fixed a bug that could occur when an HTTP redirect occurred on an external server call, e.g. In the retrieval of BBRs

2016-06-20 version 1.8.20

  • ProjectLogo
  • RetrieveTemplate
    • Major update to view. RetrieveTemplate, as does ART benefits from all updates in DECOR-core
  • RetrieveTransaction
    • New: Adds a mapping column containing links from this transaction to templates (if any)
  • RetrieveValueSet
    • New: support for ordinal valuesets
  • General: improved link creation
  • General: performance update through indexing
  • General: consolidated almost all resources into DECOR-core package

2016-03-26 version 1.8.4

  • ProjectIndex: added link to the live version from all artifacts
  • RetrieveProject: improved language handling when the called language is not in the project (fall back to default language)
  • RetrieveTemplate: added support for folding through the parameter doTreeTable=true (default is false)
  • RetrieveTransaction: added support for download through parameter download=true (default is false)
  • RetrieveTransaction: added visual disticntion between multiple valueSets in the codes columns if there are

2016-03-23 version 1.8.3

  • GetImage: Display contents from inactive transactions with opacity 0.25, hence less visible

2016-03-14 version 1.8.2

  • Added reports, through transform parameter, to RetrieveTransaction

2016-03-02 version 1.8.1

  • Fixed a English typo relevant for RetrieveTransaction
  • Fixed special case where ProjectIndex was called for a private project/repository and this was then missing from the dropdown
  • RetrieveTransaction/RetrieveDataSet
    • Fixed default language when not given
    • Fixed rendering of descriptions from text to HTML

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • ProjectIndex
    • Experimental links to JSON/SQL representations of value sets
  • RetrieveOID
    • Experimental link to retrieval as FHIR NamingSystem
  • Statistics
    • New experimental service for getting some basic server statistics for DECOR projects
  • Template2StructureDefinition
    • New experimental service for getting a Template ITS template, as FHIR StructureDefinition
  • TerminologyReport
    • Support for multi lingual LOINC
    • Various small improvements

2016-01-05 version 1.6.7

  • Performance updates in RetrieveTransaction, RetrieveValueSet, ProjectIndex
  • ProjectLogo small fixes for various cases of missing logos and added support for full logo URLs

2015-12-18 version 1.6.6

  • New service ProjectLogo to facilitate project logo retrieval
  • Services ProjectIndex, RetrieveTransaction, RetrieveDataSet and RetrieveValueSet have been adjusted to call this function for the top right logo
  • ProjectIndex looses two of the four columns that were essentially superfluous shortcuts to RetrieveTransaction.
  • RetrieveTransaction now has some minimal help text and sports an improved button layout
  • Various performance tweaks

2015-12-15 version 1.6.5

  • RetrieveTransaction no longer tries to 'calculate' how to reach the appropriate terminology service for a given code, but instead generates a fixed link to a new terminology redirection service that does the "dirty work".
  • RedirectTerminology supports SNOMED CT, LOINC, ClaML and local systems. The first 3 go to the appropriate browser and preload the requested concept. The local codes are handed to RetrieveCode that has now been implemented for formats xml, csv and html

2015-11-04 version 1.6.4

  • RetrieveValueSet
    • Fixed a bug when multiple valueSet names were retrieved

2015-11-03 version 1.6.3

  • Preliminary checkin of new services RetrieveIssue and IssueIndex that only do XML for now

2015-10-17 version 1.6.2

  • TerminologyReport
    • Fix for "exerr:ERROR err:XQDY0025: element has more than one attribute" in some projects
  • GetImage
    • Fix for error when there are multiple receivers and/or senders for a given transaction

2015-09-22 version 1.6.1

  • RetrieveDataSet/RetrieveTransaction
    • Fix for unfiltered so it works at all levels in the hierarchy
    • Fix for unfiltered so it never filters for transactions. Things either are or are not part of the transaction. They do not have an association status there.

2015-08-27 version 1.6.0

  • All services now properly display HTML when called with https. CSS links now match protocol
  • RetrieveValueSet
    • CSV no longer contains 'dynamic' flexibility for concepts and exceptions
    • All formats now have a sensible name when you need to save them as file
    • Added column Exception that contains true if line concerns an exception, and false otherwise

2015-07-26 version 1.4.2

  • RetrieveTransaction
    • Performance tweak by skipping name for OID calculation when already done
    • jQuery from https instead of http

2015-06-24 version 1.4.1

  • GetImage
    • Now supports parameter inline=true that makes it return plain SVG instead of HTML
    • Multiple improvements related to various combinations of multiple actors/transactions
  • ProjectIndex
    • Versions of a project are now sorted in descending order
    • Datasets name sorting is fixed
    • Improved transaction list by only listing those associated with a dataset
  • RetrieveTransaction
    • Adds support for value domain concept synonyms in the column Codes
    • Adds support for all value domain properties (was: unit only)
    • Improved reliability of display names for identifiers when they are not branched directly from a baseId
    • Performance improvements
  • General
    • CSS updates for h1, h2, h3

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • All services have rewritten localization under the hood
  • TerminologyReport no longer fails when terminology calls do

2015-01-26 version 1.2.6

  • Templates: Fixed display bug in examples, assert, report
  • Templates: Fixed display of RetrieveTemplate service
  • HTML: replaced locally downloaded RetrieveTransaction with link

2015-01-13 version 1.2.5

  • RetrieveTransaction fixed links to valuesets. Prefix was missing and needs full URL when downloaded locally

2015-01-06 version 1.2.4

  • RetrieveTransaction: Fixed meta header for charset and media type
  • RetrieveTransaction: Fixed missing expiration date in cookie
  • RetrieveTemplate: Fixes, tweaks and syncs for Retrieve Template service
  • Retrievetemplate: Now with format raw to get template unexpanded
  • ProjectIndex: Removed Xpath intermediate format from ProjectIndex.xquery.
  • Sort ProjectIndex/transactions on dataset effectiveDate.

2014-12-10 version 1.2.3

  • ProjectIndex/DatSetIndex/TransactionIndex/TemplateIndex: Fixes logo behavior in cases of multiple logos, no logos, or no visible logos. depends on ART package version 1.2.14 for variable $get:strDecorServices

2014-12-01 version 1.2.2

  • RetrieveTransaction: Fixed display of Codes column when derived from a valueSet. Now includes the level hierarchy and visual distinction between Abstract, Specializable, Deprecated and Leaf
  • All services: fixed path problem on CSS/JS/img when you retrieve for local (DECOR2schematron) but without useLocalAssets=true
  • Fixed link on templates in ProjectIndex
  • Fixed display of referenced templates in ProjectIndex
  • Added html link on templates in ProjectIndex
  • Transaction group diagram now has the model on the message arrows it displays

2014-11-05 version 1.2.1

  • Added try/catch around displayName retrieval for codes. Returns no displayName in case of error. This is usually due to missing codesystems or local codesystems

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • RetrieveDataSet / RetrieveTransaction updates
    • includes both concept terminology and concept value terminology, improved display of value set bindings
    • allows moving columns in any particular order
    • allows client side searching where non matching contents are hidden

Version 1.0.2

Read more information, or download DECOR-services-1.0.2.xar.

ART-DECOR System Services

ART-DECOR System Services provides resources related to ART-DECOR system services like ADANS (automatic notifier system) and ADRAM (release and release manager)

2017-01-10 version 1.8.23

  • Allow for partial publications through filters.xml for ADRAM
  • Added user demo to sandbox upon refresh
  • Use new ART-DECOR logo for demos and sandboxes

2016-11-30 version 1.8.22

  • Refresh of cache data now uses appropriate server function for trusted server retrieval

2016-06-17 version 1.8.21

  • Fixed a bug that could occur when an HTTP redirect occurred on an external server call, e.g. In the retrieval of BBRs

2016-06-14 version 1.8.20

  • Improved: More robust HTTP handling in cache creation
  • Improved: Results are now sorted for overview at a glance

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • Updated copyright to 2016

2015-08-27 version 1.6.0

  • Administrative rename for this release

2015-06-24 version 1.4.7

  • Now informs designated project members when a new release has been published through ADANS (automatic notifier)

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • Administrative rename for this release

2014-12-22 version 1.2.1

  • Fixed markup (mail clients do not read header css)

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • ADANS improved notification text
  • ADANS notifications now includes labels when applicable
  • ADANS no longer sends notifications to the last editor of the issue as he already knows
  • (for admins) ADANS now calls all strings from the ART package
  • (for admins) ADANS improved debugging/testing options

Version 1.0.3

Read more information, or download ART-DECOR-system-services-1.0.3.xar.

Terminology Applications

2017-01-06 version 1.8.28

  • Updates for LOINC 2.58
  • Performance, and better accuracy in searching by LOINC id
  • SNOMED-CT: fixed errors with display of Dutch FSN.
  • SNOMED-CT: Removed references to extension and refsets from query.
  • Terminology SNOMED: removed xqueries related to SNOMED NL extension.
  • Terminology SNOMED: removed xqueries related to SNOMED NL extension.
  • Terminology SNOMED: removed all API functions related to SNOMED NL extension and all xqueries that called them.
  • Terminology, DHD: Update group by clauses to new syntax

2016-10-25 version 1.8.26

  • Installer no longer fails when you do not have SNOMED Extension management on your server

2016-10-25 version 1.8.25

  • Installer no longer fails when you do not have SNOMED Extension management on your server

2016-10-23 version 1.8.25

  • updated stylesheet for refset display
  • Changed DHD menu to Thesauri, added refsetId parameter to SNOMED-CT form
  • reformulated refsetlist query to also use 2.2 index.
  • Removed all DHD artifacts from terminology package. Removed diagnosis registration demo.
  • Removed edit functions from refset editor.

2016-07-18 version 1.8.24

  • Performance LOINC and improvements on accuracy. Need to install LOINC 2.56.3 or above as well...

2016-07-16 version 1.8.23

  • Performance bump for LOINC searches by a factor 3
  • Added new version searchLOINC services called searchLOINC-v2 which accepts parameter "string" containing the search string. This way we do not run into trouble when you need to search for special characters like "Hla-A [Type]"

2016-07-06 version 1.8.22

  • Fixed a problem in the LOINC detail viewer where right column values would sometimes display contents of the left column

2016-06-28 version 1.8.21

  • Small search tweak in LOINC API to support new db format, while supporting the previous format introduced with LOINC 2.54

2016-06-14 version 1.8.20

  • Performance update for LOINC. Please install Terminology-data/LOINC package 2.54.1 after installing this update this update will not work with the older packages. Please note that installing this LOINC data package will take considerable time to install with perceived down time to up to 45 minutes.

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

    • New LOINC browser with full support for the multilingual data files
    • By default takes the user language as language but allows switching to any of the LOINC supported languages
    • Searches in both main table and language table
    • New column legend in the browser replaces the question marks with info. This enhances overview.
    • Displays the localization when available and a little flag if a column holds localized data
  • Fix: when a concept has more than 1 mapping, they are now displayed separately
  • Extra: now also allows you to link to a concept that the current concept is replacing (reverse mapping)
  • Extra: comments for a MAP_TO are now visible as mouse over on the link
  • ClaML
    • Fixed total count display

2015-11-23 version 1.6.1

  • Fixed getDescription behavior
  • Fixes search behavior by returning shortest match first
  • Rewrote SNOMED-CT search with refset filter for faster response
  • SNOMED CT Editor
    • Fixed bug with permissions, added nrc permission to update query.
    • Fix for missing relationship descriptions and SnowOwl id's where there should have been NL extension id's.
    • Synchronised stable with trunk and current status on production server
    • Updates for ICD10 group support and NRC attributes

2015-08-27 version 1.6.0

  • Administrative rename for this release
  • Fix for SNOMED CT search behavior regression. Now returns shortest matches first again
  • Fix for SnowOwl imports for SNOMED-CT NL extension
  • Fix for creating RF2 full release of SNOMED-CT NL extension
  • Added SNOMED-CT definitions to explorer
  • Report of deprecated SNOMED-CT concepts in Reference sets
  • DHD editor support for DBC groups
  • DHD editor ICD10 mapping priority fixes

2015-07-01 version 1.4.2

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-05-12 version 1.4.1

  • DHD editor support for DHD 3.0 datatypes

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • LOINC browser rewritten to support more localization (UI), pagination, improved sorting and more
  • Fix: CLaML hierarchy expansion fixed
  • Lot of performance and stability improvements under the hood

2015-03-23 version 1.2.4

  • Bug fix in reindex

2015-01-26 version 1.2.3

  • updated icd-10-nl classificationId used in ICA-editor
  • Changed form and query to handle grouped relationships (get-snomed-extension-concept.xquery and snomed-extension.xhtml)
  • Bug fix: in getting refset list with lots of empty entries
  • Added search in extension
  • Bug fix: enables the addition of extension concepts to refsets
  • Bug fix: creation of descriptions in snomed extension
  • All links in license now have http:// prefix. Removed superfluous groups/tables
  • Bug fix: setting relationship status

2015-01-08 version 1.2.2

  • Fixed bug with display of draft concepts

2014-11-18 version 1.2.1

  • ClaML based terminologies are now parsed better for their names

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • ClaML based terminologies now support status through Meta key name='statusCode' through View and Search
  • Numerous SNOMED-CT management and publication improvements

2014-09-29 version 1.0.8

  • Fixed bug creating 'undotted' ICD10 code.
  • Added daily system job for activating and retiring of objects.
  • Fixed bug preventing selection of DBC for AGB if retired DBC for this AGB is already present.
  • Changed query and controller to work with Snomed extension.

2014-09-23 version 1.0.7

  • DHD:
    • removed check on expirationDate
    • Removed ICD10 sorting by @no.
    • Changes for datamodel 3.0
  • SNOMED CT: Fixed display of double preferred terms and missing preferred terms.

2014-09-17 version 1.0.6

  • Various SNOMED CT and DHD Thesaurus Editor fixes

2014-09-10 version 1.0.5

  • Fixed bug with id search for NL extension concepts without preferred term. (SNOMED CT)

2014-08-27 version 1.0.4

  • Upon install only write index files and reindex when they are different
  • Improved collection creation when path does not exist yet (we were missing /db/system/config/db/apps/terminology-data)

XIS Test information system

Client and server test information system

2017-03-16 version 1.8.27

  • Synchronized multiple patches from trunk to stable to support multiple hl7-materials in testaccount
  • Don't allow set default on resources while they are empty
  • Don't allow adding the same resources again
  • Don't allow removing default resources.
  • Updated namespace URL
  • Fix for HL7 namespaced elements
  • Also remove elements with xsi:type != urn:hl7-org:v3
  • Improved indexing for non-interactions
  • Don't hide error like permissions
  • Enhanced errors from save-file-upload.xquery
  • Added frond-end service UploadMessage for save-file-upload.xquery
  • Friendlified upload error for unsupported file types.
  • Fixes the case of the dissappearing drop downs on Query/Files tabs
  • Show XSD info too
  • Tell whether or not resources are default for the account
  • Check if requested HL7 resources are still part of the account the validation is performed for.
  • Various performance and visual improvements.
  • Implemented test selection
  • Fix for single resources accounts
  • Upon initial validation matches first package containing XSDs for the message and uses SCHs from there too
  • Message based resource preferences
  • Added @mutkod for displaying mutation code to prescription viewer

2017-03-15 version 1.8.26

  • Added additional elements into display

2017-01-10 version 1.8.25

  • Eradicated login requirement as xis-webservice
  • Improved SOAP error when webservice is not active
  • Various visual updates to Live Runtime Compile
  • Removed unused functions and added index on collection XIS

2016-11-10 version 1.8.24

  • Messages
    • Updated textual validate/refresh buttons with images
    • Fix for missing schematron errors from test_xslt
  • Test-accounts
    • Added account last modified time to view. It was thusfar only visible as hint on the account delete button
    • Removed constraint that prevented saving account changes for no reason
    • Made default package checkmark readonly for single package accounts
    • Updated logic when switching default for multi package accounts
  • Single validation
    • Catch role warn
    • Fix some of the unexplained extras in the text node of an error
  • Tests
    • Fixed problem in getting result for test without file
  • Performance bumps

2016-10-25 version 1.8.23

  • Added a schema for test-accounts
  • Fixed a bug in validating tests when multiple resources are connected and the the tests is not connected to the default resources
  • Implemented direct revalidate / delete buttons without dialog in between to facilitate 'bulk' actions

2016-09-02 version 1.8.22

  • Fixed a problem where unmarked schematron issues would not surface
  • Fixed a problem where info/information schematron issues would not surface if no errors/warnings were present
  • Performance improvements in loading accounts
  • Don't fail on missing testsuites
  • Don't fail on missing base file upon revalidation
  • Reset offset if above total count
  • Improved indexing of CDA like payload content
  • Sort query/message lists
  • Fix sorting by root-name/root in selecting messages dialog
  • Support input in sending application id

2016-08-11 version 1.8.21

  • Fixed a problem where the generics are not retrieved using the correct resources. Only relevant to multi-resources accounts.
  • Fixed a problem where the resources are not sent in requesting a query to be sent. Only relevant to multi-resources accounts.
  • Fixed a bug when an empty SOAP:Body is encountered
  • Now finds WSDLs in all configured packages, not just the default package
  • Fixed a problem where the file selector would disappear when you searched for something that wasn't found

2016-06-14 version 1.8.20

  • New Implemented searching by file name across tabs in Messages form

2016-05-04 version 1.8.3

  • Messages: can now add files to test based on filename
  • Testsuites: now copies <name/> element from HL7 materials too

2016-04-03 version 1.8.2

  • No longer allows adding a new account until the current is deemed valid and saved
  • Initialization of accounts immediate updates error checks

2016-03-26 version 1.8.1

  • Improved indexing of SOAP:Envelope by adding the contained root element to the name
  • Test-suite creation/updating now works as expected
  • Updated: integrated tests support in messages form to have everything together. Legacy tests form still works but is now deprecated
  • New: support for test-account deletion
  • Improved performance of various parts
  • Smaller UI tweaks

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • Fixed approval buttons in tests form

2015-12-05 version 1.6.6

  • Performance update: save generated HTML with message and try that before regenerating
  • Performance update in building HTML
  • Performance update in getting message templates in account
  • Prevent unnecessary error upon failure to save last selected account

2015-12-08 version 1.6.5

  • Add close="true" to messages so you may escape them if the close button is out of reach
  • Now renders RTO_QTY_QTY properly
  • Fixed a problem where receiver info was present but unavailable in the view
  • Prevent problems from handycrafted situation where a person has >1 lastSelected account
  • Fixed a problem in indexing a XIS file with non-XML Base64 contents.

2015-11-05 version 1.6.4

  • Test-accounts
    • Show all accounts for dba. Show only accounts you are a user of otherwise

2015-10-30 version 1.6.3

  • Fixed sender properties applicationId / UZI-system id
  • Rearranged messages form a little for clarity and added sender properties to view

2015-09-30 version 1.6.2

  • Fix for inability to create zips under special circumstances where comments/processing-instructions precediing the root element were saved too

2015-09-25 version 1.6.1

  • Messages
    • Fixed permissions for uploading and webservice
    • Fixed root element detection
    • Added root info column in file tab

2015-08-27 version 1.6.0

  • Test accounts
    • now cannot edit accounts when not editor (some parts were left world writable in client but saving would yield an error)
    • now allow for multi language display names on role-code and saves display name too.
    • Can now filter accounts based on XML materials which is particularly useful when you install updates
    • Implemented error summary so you can see at a glance what needs attention before saving
    • Now allows account ZIP download, reindexing and fixing permissions (after manual database work)
    • Now allows attaching more than 1 XML package to an account with one being the default
  • Complete rewrite of the messages section
    • New pre calculated indexing mechanism gives enormous performance
    • Loads paginated message lists 50 at a time
    • More reliable permission management upon upload/SOAP of new messages
    • Can now switch between configured packages. Validation results are saved so switching back and forth does not constitute revalidation. Manual revalidation is still an option. This allows impact assessment in going from 1 package to the other
  • Improved account ZIP generation logic
  • Tests
    • Now allows overriding results by an admin after assessing how serious reported problems and warnings are
  • Numerous tweaks for performance and visuals

2015-07-26 version 1.4.4

  • Fixed couple of literal ampersands in messages
  • Added more interaction names for display

2015-07-09 version 1.4.3

  • Fixed problem that would occur when uploading files under Orbeon 4.7

2015-05-20 version 1.4.2

  • Now supports any casing for SOAPAction HTTP header. Header value is still case sensitive

2015-04-15 version 1.4.1

  • Activated a selector for the SOAP end point so you know which ones are available while still allowing manual override.

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • Improved file and message retrieval performance and reliability
  • Improved message when no schematron is found

2015-03-19 version 1.2.15

  • No longer displays unjustified errors/warnings on codes in HTML display of messages.
  • HTML now has a proper title and an improved main body title

2015-03-03 version 1.2.14

  • Now supports retrieval of query param config from an HL7 package with fallback to the current config in the form. For more information, see: XIS_maintenance/Configuring_query_parameters
  • Refresh query parameter list upon switching accounts
  • Permissions improvement for account art-decor
  • Only show send query/send message tab when there is send query or send message content available
  • Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2
  • Removed exclusion of elements with @negationInd='true' from test. Made comments out of <error> nodes, to always yield valid such files
  • Remove whitespace and escaped hex chars from filenames before saving an upload

2015-02-19 version 1.2.13

  • Made SOAPAction interpretation more lenient. Now optionally accepts both leading and leading single and double quotes.
  • Fixed bug in SOAP:Fault responses based on $account
  • Disabled controller cache as this prevents subsequent calls to the same Webservice URL when you missed the SOAPAction URL the first time.
  • Added query parameters for specific queries
  • Replaced all fixed body elements for additional query parameters with flexible repeaters. Due to this change you loose localization of query parameter names, but gain a flexible interface to responds to the meta model in the xforms instance. The only missing now is externalizing that instance and dynamically loading it, rather than fixed data. Adds solution for repeating parameters (AND) as well as repeating paramater values (OR).
  • Fix for missing root and extension in query parameters

2015-02-12 version 1.2.12

  • Fix for deleting files with spaces in name

2015-01-19 version 1.2.11

  • Fixed deletion problem in testseries

2015-01-10 version 1.2.10

  • Fix for not recognizing availability of a SOAPAction header in reception of incoming traffic
  • Fix for missing namespace declaration in parameters on queries

2015-01-06 version 1.2.9

  • Rename various functions to facilitate fix-permissions

2015-01-06 version 1.2.8

  • Rewrote account data deletion so everything goes through delete-account-data.xquery
  • Account data deletion on Messages form now goes through a dialog as protection
  • Account data deletion now supports full account data delete in addition to deletion on a per file basis.

2014-12-22 version 1.2.7

  • Support conditional adding of query parameters (only when valued.
  • Support parameter mostRecentDispenseForEachRxIndicator on QURX_IN990111NL

2014-12-20 version 1.2.6

  • Messages: add QURX_IN990101NL02 as query
  • Messages: Allow application-id and organization-id override when sending files (useful mostly for ART-DECOR account)
  • Install: Fixes xis accounts too if possible.
  • Messages: Return accounts for guest too when logged in

2014-12-04 version 1.2.5

  • api-permissions.xqm: copied/adapted local:setArtQueryPermissions to local:setXisQueryPermissions to set permissions based on xquery name

2014-12-04 version 1.2.4

  • Files are now all listed and not only if they contain messages we know
  • Added button to view contents of a file

2014-11-18 version 1.2.3

  • Orbeon 4.x fixes: explicitly cast to xs:date or xs:dateTime

2014-11-11 version 1.2.2

  • HTML viewer for messaging: Adds B64 rendering for hl7:text elements comparable to hl7:value
  • Retrieving and Rendering messages: Fix for retrieval of files with special characters.

2014-11-06 version 1.2.1

  • Messages form: fixed problem getting file meta data

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • Added option to bulk download messages, ticket #202

2014-10-16 version 1.0.15

  • Circumvention of a bug in the path generator function that causes validation/rendering problems for messages in a file with similar siblings of the message

2014-10-16 version 1.0.14

  • Updated validation logic to support multiple messages per file each with their own validation status.
  • Improved error trapping for more screen guidance after message validation
  • HTML version of messages (Dutch only), now has Base64 support when encountered
  • Messages and tests no longer show messages inline, but feature a button for a separate window. This significantly boosts performance and prevents interference with data tables on the same forms.
  • (for admins) The Test-accounts setting "Show XML" is no longer useful and is ignored. It will be removed at some point
  • Bug fixed that caused empty testseries.xml in test accounts after pressing save in Test Accounts
  • Improved reliability of HTML display of messages
  • Various smaller fixes

2014-10-16 version 1.0.13

  • Updated list of supported queries
  • Added interactions and patient 999911624
  • Updated resources vocab

2014-10-02 version 1.0.12

  • Fix for display of Contact with multiple components and differing sequenceNumbers

2014-10-01 version 1.0.11

  • When rendering a message in HTML, start rendering from first interaction or ClinicalDocument

2014-09-18 version 1.0.10

  • Fixed initialization for the messages tab dropdown menus

2014-09-10 version 1.0.9

  • Updated list of supported queries

2014-09-05 version 1.0.8

  • Fixed rare situation where file-list retrieval would fail because of a missing messages collection under a test account

OID Registry tools

OID Registry tools. OID Registries are a basic building block for other parts of ART-DECOR.

2016-08-16 version 1.8.1

  • Removed duplicate new-range index. The old range index performs better and more reliable

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • Added indexing support for FHIR System URIs

2015-08-27 version 1.6.0

  • Administrative rename for this release

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • Administrative rename for this release

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • Administrative rename

Version 1.0.3

ADA - ART DECOR Applications

ADA is a toolkit for building applications from DECOR specifications. It is useful for rapid prototyping, test-driving functional specifications and as a starting point for serious development.

2017-01-10 version 1.8.21

  • Improved support for conditional concepts. These could be marked @minimumMultiplicity > 0 which would trigger a warning in combination with notPresentWhen, and lead to problem downstream in the schemas, new xml and xforms
  • Generates both .tmpl and normal versions of repo and expath-pkg. This allows building packages with either eXide or Ant

2016-04-14 version 1.8.20

  • Improved support for datatypes such as boolean and decimal
  • Support for nested tabs
  • Added a switch for errorSummary
  • Improved routing on /ada/

2016-04-06 version 1.8.2

  • Major rewrites to support multi transaction applications while remaining backward compatible

2016-02-12 version 1.8.1

  • Performance improvements, especially in generated indexes
  • Improved internationalization
  • Rolled out 'duplicate' logic which creates new ADA record based on existing one
  • Various bugfixes, none critical
  • Better datetime and decimal support
  • completeCodeSystem support

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • All forms texts are now localizable and ADA now appears in the language-support form for admins
  • Added a backup facility which auto-backups data on a new install of an ada app
  • Numerous smaller stability fixes and UI tweaks

2015-12-23 version 1.7.3

  • Support for saving drafts (incomplete records)
  • Coverage check (which concepts are touched in ADA data)
  • Various bugfixes and UI improvements

2015-11-11 version 1.7.2

  • Guest has read access
  • Support for prototypes in creation of new records
  • Language support on app generation
  • ADA specs can be made in ADA myCommunity
  • Support for ordinal
  • Logger added to track bugs
  • Added dashboard
  • Added index-admin with debugging and validation tools
  • Various minor UI improvements in generated apps

2015-09-03 version 1.6.1

  • Bug fixed on permissions in ada-data/db

2015-09-03 version 1.6.0

  • Now supports creating of xar packages to create installable projects
  • Project data is retained upon project package updates.
  • Various improvements in the UI

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • The RESTful interface accepts application/json and application/xml for GET and POST. JSON will be converted to and from XML.
  • Added support for FHIR-style RESTful retrieval.
  • Concepts of type code, which have no conceptList or valueSet, will generate a text input instead of a select. This allows the user to manually enter a code. Useful for medication etc., when DECOR does not provide all choices.
  • ADA XML will now contain @code/@codeSystem for exceptions (was: only for concepts).
  • Changed license to GNU Affero GPL.
  • Form now shows error summary after submission if not valid.
  • Adds support for conditional 'NP' concepts.

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

  • Administrative rename

2014-09-29 version 0.8.2

  • Better hints on errors.
  • Better configuration for locations of exist etc.
  • Check that empty strings are really empty.
  • More modular location configuration in conf.xml.
  • A separate ADA login (for non-ART systems).
  • Cleaning of @hidden elements. Fixed bug, now code/codeSystem are saved.
  • Proper handling of insert/delete of x..* concepts, regardless of nesting depth. Also x..* concept items are now properly supported.
  • Fixed bug in post-install

ART-DECOR Template Editor

DECOR Temple Editor is the advanced version of the default version contained in ART. It allows direct manipulation of the underlying definition in XML. It supports content completion, and validation of the definition before saving.

2016-11-10 version 1.8.23

  • Small rewrite for group by to align better with XQuery standard
  • Added missing template classification types
  • Added datatype hl7nl:PIVL_TS
  • Now supports id/name/flex retrieval for template[@ref] and valueSet[@ref] too
  • Fixes a problem where templateAssociations were not saved when there was no templateAssociation element yet

2016-07-02 version 1.8.22

  • Fixes a validation/save problem introduced in version 1.8.21

2016-06-28 version 1.8.21

  • Fixes a problem in validating/saving templates with prefixed datatype values
  • Fixes a problem in including/containing/binding templates/valueSets that are referenced from a BBR
  • Fixes validation problem when a binding occurs on an attribute
  • Upgrade to CodeMirror 5.16.0

2016-06-14 version 1.8.20

  • New: Example generation. Temple now supports the same example generation feature that ART does. Generating an example using a button returns it in the Inspector. Adjust it until you are satisfied, and copy it into your main window pane as replacement example or add it to your other examples. Example generation will trigger validation first so you know you have a valid template before generating examples from it.
  • Improved: Validation will now also check namespace declarations. This is highly useful when your templates use namespaces other than the HL7 version 3 (CDA) namespace. You still set namespaces in the ART Project form
  • Improved: Content completion now supports example @type
  • Improved: Validation now also supports associations with an attribute

2016-02-12 version 1.8.0

  • updated copyright to 2016

2015-11-25 version 1.6.4

  • Fixed missing quotes in autocomplete for id, codeSystem

2015-11-24 version 1.6.3

  • Add support for element/@strength and vocabulary/@domain
  • Don't write @conformance when @isMandatory='true' in expansion of shortcut cc

2015-11-21 version 1.6.2

  • Small enhancement of the error output when Temple fails validation
  • Fix for inability to validate/save when content has HTML special characters

2015-11-14 version 1.6.1
Temple patches: Fix: Temple outputs message when no concept or name is found for concept/@ref. Return type xs;string? for temple:conceptShortName to make temple more robust against pathological decor files. Added check on duplicate element id. 2015-10-30 version 1.6.0
The DECOR Temple Editor has had extensive testing and received many new features in this major overhaul. These include:

  • Supports references to templates and value sets based on id rather than name. Dealing with name based references can lead to ambiguity once you start referencing to other projects that may have artifacts with the same name as references in our project. For this reason the HL7 Template ITS was updated to favor id based references over name based references.
    Dealing with id based references however is hard when looking at plain XML but Temple makes this task as easy as name based references with auto completion and inspection (see next)
  • Supports an inspector that allows you to navigate from any id to the artifact it points to
  • Does Template ITS-aware syntax coloring improving the readability by miles
  • Has full screen support (F11) for bigger templates
  • Allows you to bookmark items you would like quick return to
  • Allows indenting (pretty printing) template content
  • Supports inline validation feature of your template
  • Adds a Help button that takes you to the Temple page in this wiki
  • Major styling update to integrate better visually with the rest of ART-DECOR

2015-03-29 version 0.9.7

  • Now support being called to create a new template
  • Adds a close button and deactivating edit buttons when no lock available
  • Add content completion for assert/report

2015-02-04 version 0.8.6

  • Permissions for modules from admin:dba to admin:decor

2015-01-21 version 0.8.5

  • Fixed bug with &lt; in asserts.
  • Add content completion for assert/report

2014-11-23 version 0.8.4

  • Give a proposed default value for id and effectiveDate in new template.
  • Made editor global variable for access by all functions.
  • First shot a template-from-concept generator. Code still in flux. Intent: select a concept, apply a stylesheet from xslt collection to make draft template. Simply add stylesheet to /xslt to change behavior.

2014-11-04 version 0.8.3

  • Updated code mirror
  • Added incubator functions for rapid creation of observation templates from a concept

HL7: CDA Release 2 XML materials

CDA Release 2 files. XML Schema, XSL, instances

2016-02-12 version 1.4.2

  • Updated AD datatype handling

2015-03-29 version 1.4.0

  • Fixed HTML 4 as XHTML 1.0 and fixed compliancy problems

2014-11-04 version 1.2.0

2014-10-20 version 1.0.3 Fixed support for recordTarget/patient extensions deceasedInd/deceasedTime and multipleBirthInd/multipleBirthOrderNumber. They were inadvertently called in the HL7 namespace. 2014-10-13 version 1.0.2 Fixed @ID by adding it to whatever in scope element (div, sup, sub, a, etc.) as @id. To this end the separate calls were replaced by a central call in mode 'handleSectionTextAttributes'. 2014-10-02 version 1.0.1 Fixed linkHtml support and links to CDA.xsd in the example files

HL7: demo5 - vital signs XML materials

demo5 XML-materials

Version 0.1.0

Read more information, or download hl7_demo5-0.1.0.xar.

Terminology: ATC Data

ATC Data

2015-07-01 version 0.6.5

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-02-16 version 0.6.4 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 0.6.2

Read more information, or download terminology-atc-data-0.6.2.xar.

Terminology: HL7 Data

HL7 Data - generated from RIM 2.40.7 / CoreMIF DEFN=UV=VO=1175-20120802 (HL7 Normative Edition 2013) with only active code systems.

2015-07-01 version 1175-20120802.2

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-02-16 version 1175-20120802.1 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 1175-20120802

Read more information, or download terminology-hl7-data-1175-20120802.xar.

Terminology: ICD-10 DE Data

ICD-10 DE Data package

2015-07-01 version 1.1.3

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-02-16 version 1.1.2 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 1.1.1

Read more information, or download terminology-icd10-de-data-1.1.1.xar.

Terminology: ICD-10 NL Data

ICD-10 NL Data package

2016-06-13 version 2.0.3

  • Updated version after update from RIVM that includes Zika

2015-07-01 version 2.0.2

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-02-16 version 2.0.1 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

2015-01-12 version 2.0.0

  • Upgraded ICD10 NL to 2014 version.

2014-10-29 version 1.1.2

  • Added agreed upon OID 2.16.840.1.113883.6.3.2

Terminology: ICD-10 US Data

ICD-10 US Data package

2015-07-01 version 1.1.3

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-02-16 version 1.1.2 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 1.1.1

Read more information, or download terminology-icd10-us-data-1.1.1.xar.

Terminology: ICF NL Data

ICF NL data package

2015-07-01 version 0.6.6

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-02-16 version 0.6.5 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 0.6.4

Read more information, or download terminology-icf-nl-data-0.6.4.xar.

Terminology: ICPC-1-NL Data

ICPC-1-NL data package

2015-07-01 version 2013.2

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-02-16 version 2013.1 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 2013

Read more information, or download terminology-icpc-1-nl-data-2013.xar.

Terminology: ISO 9999 Data

ISO 9999 Data

2015-02-16 version 0.2.1 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 0.2

Read more information, or download terminology-iso9999-data-0.2.xar.

Terminology: LOINC data

LOINC data package

2017-03-23 version 2.58.3

  • More fixed indexes

2017-02-28 version 2.58.2

  • Added panels.
  • Fixed LOINC search issues in index.

2017-01-06 version 2.58.0

  • Updated for LOINC 2.58

2016-07-18 version 2.56.3

  • Performance LOINC and improvements on accuracy. Depends on Terminology 1.8.24

2016-07-14 version 2.56.2

  • Bugfix due to inconsistency in Linguistic Variants. These contain column TIME_ASPECT instead of TIME_ASPCT like the main db has. Mitigated by converting TIME_ASPECT into TIME_ASPCT.

2016-07-03 version 2.56.1

  • Performance. Do not merge duplicate @loinc-num attributes into result
  • Performance in LOINC searching

2016-06-28 version 2.56

  • Update to LOINC 2.56
  • NOTE: due to a newer more compact db layout, please also update ART and Terminology Applications packages

2016-06-14 version 2.54.1

  • Performance update. Rearranged the package for speed. Please update Terminology Applications package in conjunction with this update, and please note that the installation time is considerable (up to 45 minutes of perceived down time)

2016-02-12 version 2.54

  • Updated to LOINC 2.54 with all linguistic variants

2015-02-25 version 2.50.3

  • Updated for license after talking to Daniel Vreeman
  • Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

2015-01-31 version 2.50.2

  • Added @loinc_num as elem name='LOINC_NUM' to smooth searching (saves if/then)
  • Added all properties into lucene index

2015-01-25 version 2.50.1

  • Now includes all columns and map_to info. Compatible with existing Terminology packages

2014-12-22 version 2.50.0

  • LOINC 2.50

2014-10-14 version 2.48.1

  • LOINC 2.48

Terminology: RadLex Data


2015-07-01 version 3.9.5

  • Updated all ClaML terminologies to support index on @conceptId
  • Updated all form to support searching in description (default), code, or both

2015-02-16 version 3.9.4 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 3.9.3

Read more information, or download terminology-RadLex-data-3.9.3.xar.

Terminology: SNOMED CT Data

Snomed CT Data

2015-02-16 version 14.1.1 Indexes compatible with eXist-db >= 2.2

Version 14.1

Read more information, or download terminology-snomed-data-14.1.xar.